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Zu Ihrer Information: ITS steht für Intelligent Transport Systems, SUMP für Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, Planning, CIM steht für unser Team für kollektive und intelligente Mobilität, PLAN für unser Team für integrierte Planung und SOLUTIONS für unser Team, das sich mit menschenorientierten Mobilitätslösungen beschäftigt.
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Lindenau & Böhler-Baedeker (2014): Citizen and Stakeholder Involvement: A Precondition for Sustainable Urban Mobility. Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 4, 2014, Pages 347 - 360
You are kindly invited to show the commitment of your organisation towards energy efficiency in public transport by signing the EfficienCE Declaration. More information about the Declaration and list of signatories can be found <link https: content.node declaration.html external-link-new-window external link in new>HERE.
Rethinking everyday mobility - Results and lessons learned from the CIVITAS ELAN project (pdf)
Rethinking everyday mobility - Results and lessons learned from the CIVITAS ELAN project (epub)
Several videos on CIVITAS ELAN measures are available from: <link http: elan_videos.html _blank>
(in local languages only; some of the videos have English subtitles)How walking and cycling can reduce congestion: tools for cities <link https:>
Various downloads are available from a comprehensive overview table on our <link projects-details project niches-1.html>NICHES website.
Various downloads are available from a comprehensive overview table on our <link projects-details project niches.html>NICHES+ website.
SHAPE-IT Case Study on SUMP Participatory Approach
SHAPE-IT Case Study on SUMP Policy Integration
SHAPE-IT Guidelines for Policy-Makers on Policy Integration, Policy Processes and Participation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
Active mobility consultancy to increase awareness and use of public transport
Final conference Agenda, Cologne, June 22
ANNEX to the Guidelines for Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (2nd Edition)
<link http: _blank>SUMP Video Part 1
<link http: _blank>SUMP Video Part 2
<link http: _blank>SUMP Video Part 3
SUMP case studies, best practice examples and document library via <link http: _blank>
The call for entries for the 2012-13 SYNAPTIC Awards for Excellence in Seamless Mobility is open until 31 December 2012.
EEA Report No 11/2013
A closer look at urban transport.
TERM 2013: transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe
This document spells out the criteria which guide the selection of stakeholders to TRANSFORuM events.
This document defines TRANSFORuM's target audience and the best means and channels of communication with them.
This document spells out the criteria which guide the selection of stakeholders to TRANSFORuM events.
The TRANSFORuM Roadmap on long-distance freight
The TRANSFORuM Roadmap on high-speed-rail
The TRANSFORuM Roadmap on multimodal transport infomration, management and payment systems (MIMP)
The TRANSFORuM Roadmap on clean urban mobility
Leaflet of German Traffic Snake Game
Renata Lins has a bachelor's degree in business administration from the Brazilian university Oswaldo Cruz (Sao Paulo -BR).
Her work experience includes all the organizational routines of the office and secretarial work, in Brazil she has worked in large banks such as: Banco do Brasil and Santander
At Rupprecht Consult she is now part of the Office Management Team