
The final conference of the EfficienCE project will take place on 10 June 2022 09:30-13:30 in Leipzig, Germany. Come, and see what we achieved!

We will present how our results can support local authorities, public transport authorities and operators to make public transport infrastructure more energy-efficient, and to raise the share of green energy in the local public transport system.

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EfficienCE event - Meet the experts

Join us online on June 14 where the EfficienCE partners present the pilot technologies tested in the project and learn about their experiences in demonstrating recovery of braking energy, stabilization of trolleybus-grid via buffer storage station, e-fast-chargers and the implementation of photovoltaic plants within the EfficienCE project.

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2nd CIVINET DSR Online Regulars' Table on the topic of "Shaping communication - an offer to support municipalities in mobility projects"

German Online Regulars' table on June 8th, 2022

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EfficienCE: Meet an expert from Wiener Linien!

Want to learn about the Wiener Linien photovoltaic plant on the Ottakring metro station roof? Join us and ask your questions at our online event!

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Meet the pilot experts from the EfficienCE project!

Want to learn about how to make public transport infrastructure more energy-efficient?

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Article on UVARs published in World Transport Policy and Practice Journal

An article has just appeared in this journal authored by 3 ReVeAL partners

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EIB Jaspers and Rupprecht Consult Logos

Workshop on Climate Governance in the framework of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning

Sign up now for our upcoming Workshop on May 20th.

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Dynaxibility4CE & CIVINET DSR Logos & Invitation

Invitation (DE) Online-Workshop: SUMP & Klimaschutz

In the framework of the Dynaxability4CE project, in which dialogues on SUMP are initiated on a multi-regional level in different EU countries, we organise an online workshop in May 2022.

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Electric bus at charging station.

Join us for the event: E-bus deployment worldwide: an exchange with SOLUTIONSplus experts

This exchange session is organised in the scope of the 2nd SOLUTIONPlus global e-learning programme course on “Electrification of buses and integration in cities’ public transport systems”. 

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Hiking day at Rupprecht Consult

On May 4, most team members gathered for a hike in beautiful weather conditions.

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We warmly welcome Sounak Bandyopadhyay as our new trainee

Sounak graduated from West Bengal University of Technology (IND) in Civil engineering before acquiring a professional experience of 6 years working in different capacities in the fields of Construction and Project management. He then successfully completed his Masters in Infrastructure Planning from the University of Stuttgart in 2021 specialising his master thesis in the Capacity Analysis for mixed traffic with automated vehicles at Expressway intersections. He also gained relevant professional experience in the field of Project management working as an intern for Deutsche Bahn in the Project Stuttgart 21. His interests and passion for sustainable and innovative transport development have led him to join Rupprecht, as a trainee in 2022 in the Collective and Intelligent Mobility team.

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100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 – EU Commission announces the 100 selected Mission Cities

Rupprecht Consult is proud to have been a former or current project partner for 65 of the Mission Cities

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CIVITAS webinar in German on neighbourhood-based planning und co-creation

Rupprecht Consult collaborated with the German-speaking CIVINET to organise a webinar on sustainable urban mobility planning in the neighborhood context, with a co-creative approach.

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Rupprecht Consult supported preparation of Interreg Central Europe proposal on building up regional hydrogen infrastructures

Contracted by the Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg, Rupprecht Consult supported the development of a proposal entitled "Empowering H2-ready regions in Central Europe" for the Interreg Central Europe programme

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Join the CIVINET DSR online workshop on SUMP as an instrument of spatial planning (in German)

The CIVINET DSR member "Deutsche Verband für Wohnungswesen, Städtebau und Raumordnung e. V." is organising an online workshop on SUMP as an instrument of spatial planning, which will take place entirely in German.

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Workshop held on Climate Mitigation Measures with EIB and City Governments

On 06 of April, we brought together EIB, researchers and city governments to exchange on their experiences with urban climate mitigation measures, how to evaluate and monitor them.

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E-course on energy-efficient public transport infrastructure deployment now online

On March 29th the first two units of the EfficienCE e-course went online.

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We welcome our new intern at Rupprecht Consult

Fulvio Testaverde joins the team

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SUNRISE presented at H2020RTR21

Essential results of the SUNRISE project (2017-2021) were presented by Ralf Brand at the H2020RTR21 conference in Brussels. These findings contain important conclusions (and manage expectations) for working at the neighbourhood level in a co-creative way towards tangible improvements of people's mobility situation.

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Invitation to explore Constance - Expert excursion (in German) on pedestrian and bicycle traffic

30 June 2022, 9.00-19.00

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