The OrniTrans project has now launched. In cooperation with NABU (Naturschutzbund), the hypothesis is being investigated as to whether bird-friendly transport infrastructures are also people-friendly.
We are happy to announce that our OrniTrans project in cooperation with NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) is finally ready to start. We would like to extend a special thank you to the Dr. Joachim and Hanna Schmidt Foundation for the Environment and Transport for their financial support of our project. It pursues the hypothesis that "Bird-friendly transport infrastructures are always also people-friendly". The focus of this project is to investigate the role of transport infrastructures for birds. Do some transport infrastructures influence the life, habitat, food sources, nesting opportunities, habits etc. of birds in a city? Previous related projects typically focused on the role of buildings for the vitality of bird populations; it seems that no one has yet studied the role of transport infrastructures though. Therefore, this project is unique in its scope and aim. Our ambition to fill this knowledge gap seems particularly important because urban transport infrastructures take up an extremely large amount of space. For example, the space required to only park all cars registered in our home city Cologne amounts to 1330 times the footprint of the Cologne Cathedral. In close cooperation with the ornithologist Dr. Dieter Thomas Tietze and his team from NABU, we will now push ahead with the first steps of the project. Under the leadership of our colleague and coapplicant Dr. Ralf Brand, it will be a priority to activate the relevant networks and to collect essential information through a thorough literature reviews. In the early phase of this project, our current intern Maximilian Hebel will support the OrniTrans team with a range of activities.
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