News Item

TRANSFORMER has just kicked off: mapping, defining and categorising Transition Super-Labs!


We have just kicked off a new exciting project where we are supporting the Ruhr Universität in the project's management and leading the development of a Transition Super-Lab Roadmap.

The TRANSFORMER project aims to design long-term systemic transformation frameworks for regions across Europe to accelerate the shift towards climate neutrality. At the onset of the project, a conceptual framework will be developed by mapping, defining, and categorising Transition Super-Labs (TSLs). Actual TSLs will be piloted in four regions: the Ruhr area (Germany) Emilia Romagna (Italy) Lower Silesia (Poland) and Western Macedonia (Greece.)

The project will develop a roadmap blueprint, a toolkit (incl. matchmaking mechanisms) and a knowledge hub, on one hand, to support the pilot regions but also to be applied by other regions across Europe. Moreover, an evaluation framework will be developed in order to evaluate the impact of TSLs in the TRANSFORMER pilot regions, as well as the respective tools and structures applied by the pilot regions.

Project activities will be accompanied by comprehensive communication and dissemination activities, providing (intermediate) results of the project and the activities in the pilot TSLs, providing a Hub with information, and offering training and capacity-building activities for various target groups and stakeholders. Finally, an Exploitation Plan will be prepared for the long-lasting impact of the project.

Learn more about this project here TRANSFORMER | Rupprecht Consult (

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Further Information

Morgane Juliat

+49 221 6060 55 0
