Project Details

SUMP (part of Eltisplus)

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans – Planning for People

SUMP (part of Eltisplus)

Project details

Duration 05/2010 – 04/2013


Coordinator Rupprecht Consult GmbH

Project goal

The specific goals of the work on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (as part of the Eltisplus Project) were to raise awareness on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and to provide guidance and training materials for urban mobility professionals all over Europe. The SUMP activities coordinated by us responded to Action 1 of the European Commission’s Action Plan on Urban Mobility to accelerate the large scale take up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans by local and regional authorities in Europe.


Awareness Raising and Training Activities

The training needs and requirements of local and regional authorities in 31 European countries were analysed within the project. Depending on the “SUMP development stage", different kinds of training activities were organised within the project:

  • Awareness raising workshops – to raise awareness on SUMP among influential decision and opinion leaders of the target country or region
  • Technical training seminars – to improve the technical capabilities of local developers and implementers of SUMPs in cities and regions of a specific countries
  • Experience exchange events – to provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge among representatives from advanced SUMP cities from different countries All of these events took place between October 2011 and December 2012. With the exception of international experience exchanges, all Events were held in the respective national languages.


The most important outputs of the project - the SUMP Guidelines - Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and the SUMP Report on the State-of-the-Art of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Europe

Role of Rupprecht Consult

We coordinated the SUMP knowledge consolidation and promotion/training activities of a 13-partner consortium.

Our project team consolidated the knowledge on SUMPs in Europe by means of a thorough desk research, four European Expert Workshops and an interview campaign as part of its user needs assessment. In the summer of 2011, the State-of-the-Art Report of SUMPs in Europe as well as the Guidelines on Developing and Implementing an SUMP were first released. These reports include a common understanding of SUMPs and describe in detail what the planning process and the actual plans should include.

Between October 2011 and December 2012, awareness raising workshops, technical training seminars and experience exchange events were organised all over Europe.

Contact details

Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0

Project partners

Related resources

SUMP - The State-of-the-Art of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Europe [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Englisch) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Bulgarian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Croatian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Czech) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Estonian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (German) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Greek) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Hungarian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Italian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Latvian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Lithuanian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Polish) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Romanian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Serbian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Slovenian) [PDF]

SUMP brochure (Spanish) [PDF]

SUMP various downloads [DOCX]

<link http: _blank>SUMP Video Part 1

<link http: _blank>SUMP Video Part 2

<link http: _blank>SUMP Video Part 3

SUMP case studies, best practice examples and document library via <link http: _blank>

SUMP Presentation at UITP TUL Commission meeting [PDF]

SUMP Guidelines [PDF]