News Item

Guidelines for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning now available in Ukrainian


The Ukrainian NGO FORZA translated this important guidance document.

FORZA is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, which seeks to promote the sustainable development of the Carpathian region of the Ukraine, considering all economic, environmental and social aspects of natural resource management and community development. In 2011, Forza already translated the first version of the Guidelines, when they launched an EU-funded cross-border development project dedicated to the promotion of sustainable mobility in Western Ukraine. In October 2014, representatives from 30 Ukrainian cities gathered for a 2-day workshop, where they were introduced to the issues of sustainable urban mobility and the SUMP approach. The participants there received the Ukrainian translation of the revised Guidelines. Natalya Voloshyna explains Forza's motivation: "Our motivation in promotion of SUMP concept and approach is to support cities in introduction of SUMP and SUM as a part of urban development concept and see more and more cities thinking advancedly, sustainably, considering public space, public livelihood and comfort, thinking about impact of city on the environment, input in climate change and so on." The Guidelines on Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan were released on 17 December 2013 in conjunction with the official announcement of the European Commission’s Urban Mobility Package. The now final version of the SUMP Guidelines replaces the 2011 working document. The SUMP Guidelines are available for download at  <link http: mobility-plans sump-concept> (in English, Bulgarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish). The guidelines are intended for decision-makers, urban transport and mobility practitioners and other stakeholders involved in the development and implementation of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. They are the result of a thorough and European-wide expert consultation process organised between 2010 and 2013 within a service contract (ELTISplus) for the European Commission. The process was coordinated by Rupprecht Consult in cooperation with other stakeholders. 

Related Projects

SUMP (part of Eltisplus)

Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14


[1] SUMP Guidelines Ukrainian