
A new SUMP project, SUMP Germany has started

The Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport commissioned Rupprecht Consult to conduct a status quo analysis and review of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in German municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants.

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Come see us at the Polis conference!

Rupprecht Consult will have a booth and several presentations at the Polis conference, taking place I Brussels on 30 November and 1 December 2022. Come visit us there!

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NAPCORE’s first Mobility Data Days event draws data experts to Paris

On November 3-4, NAPCORE held its first Mobility Data Days conference, bringing together 200 delegates from 24 countries, focussed on data collection, storage, and exchange.

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SUMP Türkiye - Working Group on Political Dialogue established

Ankara – Within the scope of our “EU Support for Promoting Sustainable Urban Mobility in Turkish Cities” Project, we successfully established our “task force” on November 9.

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We warmly welcome Linda Thewes as our new colleague

Starting from November 2022 Linda will be part of the constantly growing team as an office manager.

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Official launch of the SUMP Guidelines Japanese translation

On Monday 24th of October, the Japanese Research Institute for Local Public Transport held a press conference to announce the publication of the Japanese edition of the SUMP.

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We’re hiring two new Project Managers! See for yourself what our colleagues think makes RC a great place to work!

We are looking for a Project Manager for transport and mobility planning: You have 5 years of working experience in transport or urbanmobility planning? You have in-depth knowledge of integrated transport planning & financing urban mobility projects? You have experience in projectmanagement and coordination of complex mobility projects and processes, including proven leadership of project teams? You speak German and English?Then have a look here to see this great opportunity:Work with us | Rupprecht Consult ( are looking for a Project Manager for mobility innovation You have a degree in Transport and or urbanplanning , Transport economics, (Economic) Geography, Civil and Environmental Engineering, or similar? You have at least 3 years of experience in the cooperation of complex mobility [...]

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Register for Ride2Autonomy's Final Conference

After 18-months of work the project will present its findings and key outputs in Lisbon (17 Nov 2022) as side event of TRA 2022 Conference. Online attendance will also be possible.

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6 workshops were held with TANGENT case studies to define TANGENT system requirements and multi-actor cooperation

As part of the stakeholder engagement process with the local case study cities, our team has conducted six workshops between June and October to define TANGENT system requirements and discuss multi-actor cooperation mechanisms.

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New report on Urban Vehicle Access Regulations

EIT Urban Mobility has published a new report on Urban Vehicle Access Regulation to which our colleague Bonnie Fenton has contributed to as part of her work in ReVeAL.

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TRANSFORMER has just kicked off: mapping, defining and categorising Transition Super-Labs!

We have just kicked off a new exciting project where we are supporting the Ruhr Universität in the project's management and leading the development of a Transition Super-Lab Roadmap.

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Urban Mobility Days 2022: it's a wrap!

The European Urban Mobility Days took place last week and a big part of our team was present this year for different projects and our contributions took many different forms.

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MultiRELOAD, a transnational innovation project bringing European inland ports into spotlight kicked-off on Sep. 1 2022

Under the lead of Duisport, the world’s largest and most advanced tri-modal inland hub terminal, 21 other project partners from Western, Central and Eastern Europe have met at the premises of Duisburg Port on the 7th and 8th of September to kick-start the ambitious project MultiRELOAD focusing on facilitating port solutions for efficient, effective and sustainable multimodality

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Rupprecht Consult Will Be Handed Over to New Owners

On 20 September 2022 Rupprecht Consult announced at the Urban Mobility Days in Brno, Czech Republic a transfer in management and ownership. After 25 years of pioneering work in sustainable urban mobility, Angéla and Siegfried Rupprecht will transfer Rupprecht Consult to Dr Wolfgang Backhaus and Dr Jana Spille, who will become managing directors on 1 Jan 2023.

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The OrniTrans project is now on its way

The OrniTrans project has now launched. In cooperation with NABU (Naturschutzbund), the hypothesis is being investigated as to whether bird-friendly transport infrastructures are also people-friendly.

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SCALE Project convened at Utrecht for the 1st Consortium Meeting

Rupprecht Consult in one of the leading roles, put together the first consortium meeting which stimulated and inspired the participants through technical discussions/workshops and was also a networking opportunity for people behind the person months in the SCALE project.

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EfficienCE Webinars

The EfficienCE project is coming to an end, and we would like to present our results in two webinars. One on storage solutions to increase energy-efficiency in the public transport network. And the other one on energy management to learn from our experiences in developing and testing innovative solutions in the energy management in an electrified public transport network.

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Our partner NABU is looking for reinforcement

The environmental organization NABU (our partner in the OrniTrans project) is looking for a scientific employee (m/f/d) for the Species and Bird Protection Team in the Department of Nature Conservation Policy at the NABU Federal Office in Berlin, subject to funding, as of August 1, 2022.

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New project started: ÖPNV Modellregion Hannover

We happily announce that Region Hannover was chosen to be one of 12 model projects for strengthening public transport in Germany and will receive funding of almost 30 Mio. € over the next 3 years to realize their vision of becoming a model region for sustainable and attractive public transport. The project aims to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector by building a strong and attractive public transport and builds on the “Zehn-Punkte Programm zur Verkehrswende” of Hannover.

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A new Horizon Europe project, SCALE kicks off

Rupprecht Consult participates in the SCALE project which started on 1 June 2022 as part of the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme in support of the European Union’s Green Deal and aligned with the vision of 2Zero Partnership. SCALE aims to explore and test smart EV charging and Vehicle-2-Everything (V2X) solutions across different vehicle segments and use cases. This will shape a new energy eco-system wherein the potential of energy storage that EV batteries offer, will be harnessed for the first time at "Scale".

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