News Item

Workshop to start the conceptual design of on-demand transport in the district of Mettmann


In September and October Rupprecht Consult held three workshops in the district of Mettmann to start the process on the conceptual design of on-demand transport. Together with the 10 district cities, the public transport operators and representatives of the mobility committee the first step towards a district wide on-demand concept was taken.

The workshop was based around four deployment scenarios of on-demand transport. The participants were given a user story for each scenario and brainstormed on possible mobility needs that might be covered by this form of on-demand as well as the criteria needed to measure a successful integration. Additionally a SWOT-Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) was conducted for each scenario.

After that, the participants were asked to already point out certain areas in the district of Mettmann where they, as experts on the topic, see a potential improvement of the current mobility situation through the integration of an on-demand service. This rather subjective assessment of the needs in the district will be aligned with existing data, e.g. on the mobility situation and taken into account in the further conceptual design of the on-demand transport.

Related Projects

Basic concept of on-demand transport in the district of Mettmann

Further Information