News Item

Rupprecht Consult signs the charter "Intelligent Mobility in Residential Neighborhoods''


Rupprecht Consult signs the charter "Intelligent Mobility in Residential Neighborhoods" to support better, smarter, more sustainable mobility concepts in the development of residential areas; because most mobility decisions are made at the front door...

The development of the charter "Intelligent mobility in residential quarters" goes back to an initiative of the Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD e.V.), which has coordinated the very successful nationwide project and network "Intelligent mobil im Wohnquartier" in recent years. Employees of Rupprecht Consult also took part in one of the excursions as part of this initiative.

The charter's concern also fits perfectly with our work. It names "basic principles of cooperation to which the housing industry, municipalities, planners, architects and mobility service providers should orient their future actions. It identifies measures that can be used to implement intelligent mobility in residential quarters and calls on the federal and state governments to create the appropriate conditions and framework for this." (Quote from

Clearly, we were very happy to sign this charter. This puts us in the best company of organizations that are committed to working in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders to plan and implement intelligent mobility offerings on a project-by-project basis and - in our case: of course, also provide advice. In addition, we thus support the charter's demands on the federal and state governments.


Further Information

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18