News Item

Session on child and youth friendly planning at BUVKO.


Ralf Brand co-organised a session on child- and youth-friendly urban and mobility planning at the recent BUVKO congress. The session - and Ralf's own presentation - was aimed at exploring ways to create urban environments that are more accessible, welcoming and safer for children and young people.

At the recent BUVKO (Bundesweiter Umwelt- und Verkehrskongress), held in Lüneburg, Ralf Brand co-organised a session on child- and youth-friendly urban and mobility planning. The session was aimed at exploring ways to create urban environments that are more accessible, welcoming and safer for children and young people.

Brand, who is one of our senior consultants and leader oft he team „People-focussed mobility solutions“, emphasized the importance of involving children and young people in the entire planning process; from the identification of problems, via the development of measure ideas all the way to co-evaluating the results of the chosen measures. This is critical to achieve environments that cater to young people’s needs and interests.

The session featured three presentations, all anchored around the programme „Planen für die Zukunft“ of the Zukunftsnetz Mobilität in Northrhein-Westfalia. Rupprecht Consult is part of the expert team that advises towns and cities about how to better involve children in their planning processes. The other partner is the consulting firm STADTKINDER, based in Dortmund. Ralf focussed his presentation on ways to structurally embed child-friendly planning in the routines of a city administration.

Overall, the session provided valuable insights and inspiration for planners, policymakers, and other stakeholders interested in creating more child- and youth-friendly cities. It also was an excellent opportunity to share experiences and best practices from different cities and regions – and of course to get to know other like-minded colleagues, to exchange contact details and to strategise about possible joint ventures.

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Further Information

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18