News Item

ReVeAL project wraps up and shares toolbox for urban access regulations


The CiViTAS ReVeAL project came to an end in November. ReVeAL spent 3½ years exploring various aspects of urban vehicle access regulations (UVAR) together with six partner cities from across Europe and beyond as well as nine research and support partners. In the final month of its official lifetime, project partners presented various aspects of ReVeAL at the TRA in Lisbon, at the Tomorrow Mobility World Congress in Barcelona, at the POLIS conference in Brussels and at ReVeAL’s own final conference in London.

Despite a project lifetime that coincided with the pandemic, project partners have worked closely both to put measures in place in cities and to produce a set of tools that will be useful to any city considering implementing access regulations. And as it’s almost impossible to imagine a city achieving net zero carbon without regulating vehicle access, most will face this task in the near future, if they haven’t already begun. But as “stick” measures such as UVAR are much less popular than “carrot” measures, it’s important for each city to find the right measures, approach and complementary measures for its local context. The ReVeAL tools help by structuring the measures, systematising the process and providing guidance on implementation.


Key outputs of the project include:

  1. A set of 33 fact sheets, each describing one of ReVeAL’s access regulation building blocks

  2. The ReVeAL guidance, which provides advice on the process of implementation

  3. The online access regulation decision support tool, to be found at:, which helps cities identify UVAR building blocks that may be appropriate for them and leads them to appropriate building blocks and guidance to support the implementation process

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Further Information

Bonnie Fenton

+49 173 726 3681