Stakeholder survey on barriers to a single and innovative European transport system
Read moreThe EBSF project has issued its second newsletter
Read moreThe Smart Move project promotes the use of public transport in rural areas through the active mobility consultancy (AMC) concept. The central objective of the project is to promote the use of existing public transport services via a personalised travel marketing approach. As part of the SmartMove project we have developed a free, easy-to-use online course that offers insights into the SmartMove approach. It provides background information and presents the first-hand experiences of SmartMove project partners. The course discussion forum allows you to discuss your concerns and questions with other participants and the project team. In addition, every Tuesday between May 24 and June 28 we are offering virtual office hours. Please contact us between 10:00 and 12:00 and we will provide our assistance and advice on developing an AMC campaign. Please click here to access both the course and the forum. The SmartMove team!
Read moreRegistration now open!June 22, Cologne, Germany
Read moreThe project team has gathered for their 3rd consortium meeting in Lisbon, Portugal - which included an Exchange Cities workshop and Lisbon local forum from 27-29 April 2016.
Read moreJoint Traffic Snake Game Workshop successfully held at Rupprecht Consult from 10-11 May 2016
Read moreThe first ELIPTIC - CiViTAS webinar took place on the 29th of April 2016. The webinar was entitled “Optimised braking energy recovery in electric public transport systems” and it is the first of a series of three scheduled throughout the ELIPTIC project.
Read moreIt was the principal annual event for all those involved in turning the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan concept into practice.
Read morePractical advice for campaigns to promote a switchfrom car-based travel to active modes of travel
Read moreThe SWITCH online course has been made open to the public on Rupprecht Consult’s learning platform The course is among the key outputs of the SWITCH project, which supports cities that wish to organise and run campaigns that encourage citizens to “switch” short urban trips from their car to active modes of travel such as walking and cycling. The SWITCH methodology is based on four key elements: - Personalised Travel Planning, that is, individually tailored support for individual people through information, advice, recommendations for cycling routes etc.- Positive and personalised health arguments to highlight the direct and concrete benefits one can gain from active transport.- Use of ICT tools that can monitor, reward and remind people of active mobility routines; this is intended to deepen new forms of mobility to lasting habits.- A focus on people in a so-called life change moment (e.g. when they [...]
Read moreArticle published about German traffic snake “Zora Zisch”
Read more“Transport in action: boosting the takeup of sustainable urban mobility solutions”
Read moreThe last Russian Fact Sheets from the Infrastructure section are now available for download
Read moreBreda University students joined our company for a study trip
Read moreAvailable on CH4LLENGE and ELTIS websites in March 2016
Read moreService contract "Towards a Single and Innovative European Transport System"
Read moreCycling Measures - A Cause of Congestion or a Solution to It?
Read more... like dressing up for Weiberfastnacht or Wieverfastelovend (Women's Carnival)
Read moreIn 2015, we at Rupprecht Consult saved 10.961 kg of CO2 by travelling by rail rather than car.
Read moreAfter TRANSFORuM’s final outputs have already been released in 2015, the project has now officially been closed. We take this as an opportunity to invite everyone to again to peruse its key publications, mainly the four roadmaps towards the following goals of the European White Paper on Transport: o clean urban mobilityo long-distance freighto high-speed railo multimodal transport information, management and payment systems In addition, TRANSFORuM also resulted in “Recommendations on Joint Actions across Thematic Areas” and a “Strategic Outlook” document, looking beyond 2030. These documents and more are available on our own website and on the project library. Enjoy reading!
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