SmartMove On-line training course for rural mobility marketing
The Smart Move project promotes the use of public transport in rural areas through the active mobility consultancy (AMC) concept. The central objective of the project is to promote the use of existing public transport services via a personalised travel marketing approach. As part of the SmartMove project we have developed
a free, easy-to-use online course that offers insights into the SmartMove approach. It provides background information and presents the first-hand experiences of SmartMove project partners. The course
discussion forum allows you to discuss your concerns and questions with other participants and the project team. In addition, every Tuesday between May 24 and June 28 we are offering
virtual office hours. Please contact us between 10:00 and 12:00 and we will provide our assistance and advice on developing an AMC campaign. Please click <link https: course>here to access both the course and the forum. The SmartMove team!
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Further Information
Henning Holdinghausen
+49 221 6060 55 13