News Item

New project on automated transport and smart mobility services


Service contract "Towards a Single and Innovative European Transport System"

Under the leadership of the Joint Institute for Innovation Policy, Rupprecht Consult will play a large role in this new service contract for the European Commission (DG MOVE, C2). The project focuses on two main objectives:
  1. To identify the barriers which impede the use of innovation and new technology to build a truly optimised single European transport system;
  2. To propose actions which will help to tackle these barriers and thus accelerate progress towards such an optimised system.
These objectives will be systematically pursued for the following five key themes:
  • Connected driving and automation of transport, and use of automated optimisation of traffic flows. The responsibility for this so called "focus area" rests with Rupprecht Consult;
  • Transformation of infrastructure to address connectivity, resilience, new fuels and energy efficiency;
  • Smart mobility services (including provision and use of data, and urban mobility), freight and logistics. The investigation around this focus area will be led by Rupprecht Consult;
  • Standardisation and interoperability
  • Alternative fuels other than electrification
 The project work-flow is structured around three tasks:
  • In Task 1, the current "state of play" will be analysed and described, mainly based on desk research;
  • Task 2, which will be led by Rupprecht Consult, focuses on the identification of barriers which impede the use of innovation and new technology to build a truly optimised single European transport system. This task will rely heavily on stakeholder consultations, through face-to-face and virtual conversations (interviews, focus groups and online surveys). This approach is similar to the one deployed during the TRANSFORuM project, which Rupprecht Consult coordinated between 2013 and 2015.
  • Action Plans in the sense of roadmaps will be built in Taks 3. They will specify concrete actions, timeframes and responsibilities to tackle the barriers identied beforehand.
 The consortium consists of:
  • Joint Institute for Innovation Policy (JIIP) aisbl, including its members: 
    o VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
  • Technology Partners Foundation (TPF)
  • Rupprecht Consult - Forschung und Beratung GmbH (RC)

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Further Information

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18