
Leitlinien Masterplan nachhaltige und emissionsfreie Mobilität 2018

Augsburg prepares itself for a new SUMP!

We are working with the city of Augsburg to set up a new SUMP (Gesamtverkehrsplan) for tender. Several city agencies cooperate in this preparatory phase to define the guiding principles and set up the terms of reference of the strategic plan.

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Screenshot of our online stand

Our participation at the electric bus conference ElekBu

Together with trolley:motion, we organised a stand at Germany's largest electric bus conference to present our projects around electric public transport on 16 and 17 March. For the first time, the VDV e-bus conference and the accompanying trade fair ElekBu took place digitally with approximately 500 participants and 50 exhibitors.

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Automated vehicle on a map

Webinar on managing new mobility ready for your registration

In the context of our project GECKO, a webinar on "managing new mobility: How to regulate automated vehicles" will take place on 24 March. Register now to join us!

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Poster exchange session 1

Register now: First exchange session of the SOLUTIONSplus global learning programme

The first exchange session of the first SOLUTIONSplus e-course is scheduled for 25 March 2021 and registrations are now open. This session will enable an exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices with e-mobility experts in an interactive way. Anybody working or interested in the field of e-mobility is welcome to join.

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Screenshot of our online stand

Register now for the electric bus conference and trade fair

We will participate in this years' electric bus conference and trade fair organised by Forum für Verkehr und Logistik e.V. and VDV Akademie. Register now to join us online!

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Croatian SUMP guidelines cover

SUMP guidelines available in Croatian now

On our mission to spread the SUMP guidelines across the globe, we are glad to announce that the Croatian translation is now out and ready to download!

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SUMP CENTRAL: online portal for SUMP development in central European regions

SUMP-Central was created in the LOW-CARB project as a European competence centre for sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMP).

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Planning for More Resilient and Robust Urban Mobility

New topic guide for planning for more resilient and robust urban mobility

As cities and regions respond to the COVID-19 pandemic with new and innovative transport solutions, what are the lessons for long-term sustainable mobility planning?

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Big Messages: Lessons for co-creative mobility initiatives in neighbourhoods

Just released! 10 Big Messages on lessons for co-creative mobility initiatives in neighbourhoods

How can citizens and public administrators come together to effectively tackle the most pressing mobility challenges at the neighbourhood level? Four EU-funded projects - SUNRISE, Cities-4-People, LOOPER and METAMORPHOSIS - have pooled their knowledge on co-creating participatory (mobility) solutions with citizens at the neighbourhood level over the past several years to deliver their 10 Big Messages for cities, neighbourhood actors, policy makers, funders and other actors.

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New booklet reveals success stories of CIVITAS cities

A second booklet reveals the sustainable urban mobility success stories of five CIVITAS cities from across Europe.

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ReVeAL newsletter

ReVeAL newsletter out now!

The ReVeAL project has started off their very own newsletter, informing recipients about the newest developments in and around the project.

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Screenshot from workshop

Material from ReVeAL international kerbside management workshop online

The WSP-organised workshop on barriers to dynamic kerbside management took place on October 15 2020 and set out to explore the world of kerbside management and barriers to implementation. Material from all sessions is now publicly available.

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SUMP cycle in Turkish

Turkish and Romanian version of SUMP guidelines ready to download

After the recent publication of the guidelines for sustainable urban mobility plans in Hungarian, there now is a version in Turkish and in Romanian available!

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Screenshot of video with Gergely Karácsony

Mayor of Budapest says "SUNRISE project helped me a lot in my mayoral campaign"

The current Mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony, followed the co-creative process of SUNRISE Action Neighbourhood of Zugló-Törökőr closely over the past years. The project has been part of Karácsony's mayoral campaign, which he talked about recently in an interview.

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Screenshot from EIT Urban Mobility website

Courses on SUMP and FLOW project now available on EIT Urban Mobility Academy

Our friends from EIT Urban Mobility have included input from our work on SUMP and the FLOW project on their new learning platform and the courses are now available for free!

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SUMP cycle in Hungarian

SUMP guidelines now available in Hungarian

The guidelines for sustainable urban mobility plans have been spread across the world in English already, supporting national, regional and local authorities in creating sustainable plans for their cities and functional urban areas.

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Mobility plans Hesse logo

Knowledge base of mobility plans in Hesse (Germany) launched

Halfway into the project "Mobility plans and concepts in Hesse", first results were presented in September 2020 to an audience of almost 100 planners, mostly from Hessian municipalities.

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Course poster

First course of SOLUTIONSplus global learning programme on electric mobility about to start

Register now for our first course on e-mobility to get a basic understanding of e-mobility in a global and online learning environment!

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How-to Guide on Zero-Emission Zones for Freight launched

Stientje van Veldhoven, Minister for the Environment of The Netherlands and Chair of TDA, launched the How-to Guide on 3 December 2020, during her keynote speech at the Urban Mobility Green Deal-Makers Summit during the 2020 POLIS Annual Conference.

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Local SUNRISE volunteers engaging with the community in the Baka

SUNRISE activities featured in Thinking Cities article

Activities from the SUNRISE project were featured in a recent article from Thinking Cities magazine about the benefits of co-creation for a more sustainable mobility system at the neighbourhood level.

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Displaying results 201 to 220 out of 818