Material from ReVeAL international kerbside management workshop online
The WSP-organised workshop on barriers to dynamic kerbside management took place on October 15 2020 and set out to explore the world of kerbside management and barriers to implementation. Material from all sessions is now publicly available.
Traditional kerbside use is challenged. Other and new transportation modes and services, growing demand from freight deliveries, and increasing pressure to shift urban space from vehicles to people stress the need to optimise kerbside access.The workshop aimed at sharing recent know-how and discussing relevant steps and barriers to implementing kerbside management in local contexts. It was divided into four sections, with each featuring presentations and fruitful discussions with leading experts in the field.
You can access the presentation slides as follows:
- <link https: wp-content uploads reveal_ws_barriers_dynamic_km_20201015_wsp-1.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new>An introduction to kerbside management by Per Solér, Transport Analyst at WSP Sweden
- <link https: wp-content uploads reveal-15102020-s-tharme-1.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new>London-session: Kerb access for goods – how to manage loading and access more efficiently
- Washington DC-session: Dynamic Curbside Management in an evolving Urban fabric – presentation soon available
- <link https: wp-content uploads hank-willson-sfmta-adopting-new-curb-management-technology-in-an-equitable-inclusive-way-oct-13-2020.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new>San Francisco: Technology Equity – adoption of new technology and how to move from cash/card to digital parking payment
You can also check out our dedicated playlist with all workshop recordings <link https: external-link-new-window external link in new>here.
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Further Information
Bonnie Fenton
+49 173 726 3681
Ralf Brand
+49 221 6060 55 18