News Item

SUNRISE activities featured in Thinking Cities article


Activities from the SUNRISE project were featured in a recent article from Thinking Cities magazine about the benefits of co-creation for a more sustainable mobility system at the neighbourhood level.

The magazine, edited by our partners from Polis, published an article on the “The importance of co-creating”. It features SUNRISE and three other projects, which focus on co-creation at the neighbourhood level (Cities4People, METAMORPHOSIS and Looper).Illustrating the process and benefits of co-creation, the main case is the neighbourhood of Baka in Jerusalem, which is one of the six "action neighbourhoods" in SUNRISE.
Baka is home to approximately 13,000 people in the south of Jerusalem. As one measure of co-creation, the community council organised the "walk to school" programme, creating awareness for sustainable ways of mobility. SUNRISE aims to reach more sustainable mobility in specific neighbourhoods by including the community and creating and implementing measures together.Read the full article on the <link https: tc2-v7-2020 jerusalem-environment-health-in-transport external-link-new-window external link in new>Thinking Cities website.

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Further Information

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18

Local SUNRISE volunteers engaging with the community in the Baka
Local SUNRISE volunteers engaging with the community in the Baka