News Item

Just released! 10 Big Messages on lessons for co-creative mobility initiatives in neighbourhoods


How can citizens and public administrators come together to effectively tackle the most pressing mobility challenges at the neighbourhood level? Four EU-funded projects - SUNRISE, Cities-4-People, LOOPER and METAMORPHOSIS - have pooled their knowledge on co-creating participatory (mobility) solutions with citizens at the neighbourhood level over the past several years to deliver their 10 Big Messages for cities, neighbourhood actors, policy makers, funders and other actors.

The report takes as its starting point that everyone has expert knowledge and experience from their own life which can be valuable for shaping their neighbourhood into a more liveable space. The 10 Big Messages provide insights and guidance on how to successfully utilise this expert knowledge, as well as the opportunities and challenges of co-creating mobility solutions with citizens at the neighbourhood level. They aim to provide advice for other cities and neighbourhood actors, and to enable policy makers, funders and other actors to improve the context conditions of co-creation projects at the neighbourhood level.<link https: new-publication-explains-how-co-creation-can-improve-urban-mobility-in-neighbourhoods external-link-new-window external link in new>Click here to learn more and download the report.

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Further Information

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18

Hana Peters

+49 221 6060 55 0

Big Messages: Lessons for co-creative mobility initiatives in neighbourhoods
Big Messages: Lessons for co-creative mobility initiatives in neighbourhoods