
Start of SUMP networking project

Rupprecht Consult is part of the new project "ENDURANCE" which brought together representatives from 30 partner organisations to its Kick-Off meeting in the Swedish city of Gävle on 28 May 2013 - one day prior to the European Conference on Mobility Management (ECOMM). The project assists cities and regions in developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) by facilitating networking, mutual learning and sharing of experience and best practises across countries.

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RC's first involvement in the ERA-NET on Transport

SHAPE-IT Project kicks-off in Sweden

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ACTUATE 3rd Partner Meeting

Last week, on 12 and 13 June the ACTUATE consortium came together for a successful third Partner Meeting in Parma, Italy.

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DYN@MO brochure now out

Find out what the dyn@mic cities active for sustainable mobility are planning

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Transport Innovation Deployment for Europe

First TIDE newsletter online!

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Director-General Matthias Ruete endorses TRANSFORuM

Rupprecht Consult, who co-ordinates the TRANSFORuM project, welcomes this high level endorsement very much.

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VELO-CITY 2013: SUMP Workshop

Planning for People! Cycling promotion as part of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

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RC at EU-China Workshop in Foshan

The event was co-organised by the European Commission DG RTD and the China Centre for Urban Development (CCUD) of the National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC).

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CH4LLENGE project has kicked-off in Cologne

With great enthusiasm, the project team fine-tuned the project's framework and activities in Cologne, Germany from 21-22 May 2013.

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TRANSFORuM 1st Joint Forum Meeting In Gdansk, Poland

50 stakeholders covering the whole spectrum of actors related to our four White Paper goals will convene in Gdansk for the first joint forum meeting.

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CIVITAS DYN@MO Presented At The Earth Day Celebration in Koprivnica, Croatia

Koprivnica recently celebrated Earth Day 2013, an event centered around the sustainable iniatives of local businesses, kindergartens, schools, civil society and local agencies.

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CIVITAS DYN@MO To Be A Key Participant At The CIVITAS Forum Conference 2013

The 11th annual CIVITAS Forum Conference will take place between 30th September and 2nd October

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SUMP-SEAP International Experience Exchange Workshop on June 18 in Brussels

The Workshop will bring experts in the field of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) and Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) together. Transport and energy practitioners from local authorities are invited.

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TRANSFORuM Website Now Online!

Please Visit !

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TROLLEY: New e-learning courses available

TROLLEY is about knowledge exchange, competence building and competence sharing. In order to benefit from the great potential of online education, two new e-learning courses have been developed.

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Summer University of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning in Palma de Malllorca, Spain!

The first DYN@MO Summer University will take place in June, on the topic "Emerging in a dynamic dialogue for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP)."

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The DYN@MO Project is now available on the CIVITAS Website

The CIVITAS Website provides an overview of the DYN@MO Project and its role in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning.

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SYNAPTIC animates a seamless journey in Northwest Europe

See what a seamless journey in Northwest Europe could look like in 2030

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Training materials for safe eco-driving of trolleybuses and hybrid buses available now - test partners wanted

As part of the project outputs the ACTUATE partners are developing training materials for safe eco-driving of clean vehicles. These training materials enable other public transport operators to train their own drivers in a tried and tested manner and are available for download as of today.After receiving positive feedback from drivers during pilot trainings for trolleybuses (Salzburg, AT) and hybrid buses (Leipizig, DE) and attaining promising results regarding energy optimisation of these clean vehicles*, ACTUATE is now looking for partners to test the developed training concepts.Thus, if you would like to test and implement the safe eco-driving training concepts for your own drivers, don't hesitate to contact ACTUATE's project coordinator (w.backhaus[at] and find out more about the possibility to test the trainings and about the availability of training materials.Training materials are available for trolleybuses and hybrid buses in German already and more [...]

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“We take the challenge!” The IEE-STEER project CH4LLENGE has now officially started

The three-year project “CH4LLENGE - Addressing Key Challenges of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning” has officially started on 21 March 2013. It is funded by the Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) Programme, Energy in transport (STEER) funding area.

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