News Item

PRESTO still en vogue


The NRW.ProjektArbeit invited Rupprecht Consult on 10 July 2013 to present the PRESTO project (2009-2012) in the framework of a workshop focusing on “Bike stations Phase 2 – Inspiration, Innovation, Initiative”.

Some 60 bike stations in Northrhine-Westfalia are offering their services to citizens, companies and tourists. Beside their service and sustainability approach, the bike stations have the task to (re)insert people into the labour market, a task which is financially supported by active employment policy funds. The focus of the workshop was to gather and share ideas and concepts allowing the bike stations to extend and strengthen their service offer towards a longterm entrepreneurship perspective. Michael C. Laubenheimer explained, which options the European Commission offers to co-fund innovative services and projects and showed what a network of European cities can achieve in promoting cycling actively as daily and sustainable mobility mode. He called for more networking and cooperation among the NRW bike stations in order to compensate for decreasing public funding.

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Further Information

Bonnie Fenton

+49 173 726 3681