News Item

TIDE invites applications to its Circle of Innovative Cities

03.09.2013 Bonnie Fenton

The TIDE project is offering learning and exchange opportunities through its Circle of Innovative Cities - Application Deadline is 20 September 2013

Have you ever wondered how to transfer an innovative (transport) idea from another city to your own? Or how to share your innovative ideas with others?The EU TIDE project is currently accepting applications for up to 50 cities to join its Circle of Innovative Cities for learning and exchange in the following thematic areas:1. Road and parking pricing as demand management measures 2. Non-motorised transport 3. Advanced traffic management for traveller information systems 4. Electric mobility 5. Public transport organisationParticipating cities will learn about the latest innovations in sustainable transport in Europe and about how to successfully transfer good ideas from one city to another. They will benefit from the knowledge and experience of other cities and share their own expertise.Activities include:
  • Innovative ideas and how to take advantage of them
    • An interactive workshop on innovative transport measures and how to transfer them, 12-13 November 2013 - Stuttgart, Germany
  • Making innovation reality, a first-hand view
    • A topic-specific site visit and workshop, Spring 2014 - visits to TIDE partner cities Budapest, Donostia-San Sebastian, Milan, Reading, Rotterdam (specific dates and locations TBC, depending on topic area)
  • Putting it all together
    • A workshop on integrating transport innovation and sustainable urban mobility planning, Spring 2015 - location TBC
Apply before 20 September 2013 Travel and accommodation subsidies are available. Click <link http: en news tide-call-for-circle-of-innovative-cities-now-open _blank>here for more information and the application form<link http: en home>

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Further Information

Bonnie Fenton

+49 173 726 3681


[1] TIDE First Newsletter

[1] TIDE Project Leaflet