News Item

TRANSFORuM workshop on Urban Mobility held in Oslo


TRANSFORuM continues its stakeholder involvement process with four thematically specific workshops in the autumn of 2013.

The first workshop in this series was held in Oslo on October 24/25 at the premises of our project partner TOI (Norwegian Transport Economics Institute). The Focus of the autumn workshops is in line with the overall sequence of TRANSFORuM’s project steps. After having identified key trends and actors (Work Package 3) and barriers and challenges (Work Package 4), we are now in the phase to demonstrate that transformation is indeed possible. Work Package 5 and the ongoing workshop series is therefore focussing on “Good Practice Lessons and Learning towards White Paper Goals”. Oslo was chosen as workshop venue because of its internationally leading role in the support and adoption of electric vehicles. The event included a presentation by Gunnar Indreberg from Norway Post, which is at the forefront of integrating a whole range of electric vehicles into its delivery fleet. We also heard a presentation by Jan-Olaf Willums about the electric vehicle concept of the innovative car-sharing company “Move About” whose founder he is. The workshop also included a site visit through the Oslo city centre, led by Marianne Mølmen, Head of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Planning of the City of Oslo. This direct encounter with good practice certainly helped to attract 10 of the most highly qualified European experts on “non-conventionally fuelled” vehicles as the 2011 Transport White Paper puts it. The main purpose of the workshop, however, was to listen to and learn from these experts and practitioners because TRANSFRORuM’s mission is to develop a stakeholder-led roadmap towards the implementation of four White Paper goals, including goal no. 1 to phase out conventionally-fuelled vehicles by 2050 and to achieve essentially CO2-free city logistics by 2030. A near-consensus emerged among these stakeholders that various and extremely different interpretations of this goal are possible. Depending on the interpretation this goal was seen as easily achievable. Under a stringent interpretation, however, it would require carefully co-ordinated “packages” of measures on various political levels and by a broad range of actors. Strong political will would be an element in all the proposed packages. The workshop programme, list of attendees and key background information about this workshop is available in the briefing paper, which can be downloaded from the TRANSFORuM website. The workshop minutes will also be available there - and here - soon.

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Further Information

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18

Site visit to learn about Oslo’s support measures for electric vehicles – here with an electric Tesla sports car