Minutes and keynotes from TRANSFORuM's Gdansk event available
In line with TRANSFORuM's commitment to full transparency and accountability we provide the minutes of the 1st Joint Forum meeting, which was held in Gdansk on June 24 and 25. Please visit the event <link http: www.transforum-project.eu events june-2013-gdansk.html _blank>webpage for a summary and links to the actual minutes. We are also pleased to report that the keynote speakers from Gdansk kindly agreed make their presentations publicly available on the TRANSFORuM <link http: www.transforum-project.eu events june-2013-gdansk.html>website:
- Monika Bak: EU Transport Policy from the Perspective of the White Paper 2011
Dr hab., Prof. UG, Chair of Comparative Research of Transport Systems. Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Gdansk
- Stefan Back: Civil society and the EU White Paper on transport policy – the EESC experience
Chairman of the Permanent Study Group on Transport Policy White Paper Implementation, European Economic & Social Committee (EESC) and Director sustainable logistics TransportGruppen Sweden
- David Banister: TRANSFORuM: Challenges and Opportunities
Professor of Transport Studies and Director of the Transport Studies Unit School of Geography and the Environment University of Oxford, UK