
1st SmartMove newsletter out now!

We are happy to present the first issue of the SmartMove newsletter.

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CIVITAS DYN@MO - Two new brochures published

The CIVITAS DYN@MO project has published two brochures, the first one focusing on clean vehicles and the second one on participation 2.0. The brochures are the two first ones of a series of four brochures that will focus each on one specific topic addressed by the DYN@MO project.

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Icon for BEMPs in the public administration sector

Rupprecht Consult completes study on BEMPs for the Joint Research Centre

The European Commission is eager to transfer the EMAS concept (Environmental Management and Audit Scheme) from the industry sector, where it originated, to the public sector. To assist public administrations in their effort to improve their achievements in various areas, a series of Sectoral Reference Documents (SRD) is planned, for which the Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) is responsible. Rupprecht Consult was successful to win a service contract with the JRC in May 2014 to contribute seven so called BEMPs about sustainable mobility to this SRD.BEMP stands for “Best Environmental Management Practices” and each such document follows an established structure with the following headings: Description Achieved environmental benefits Appropriate environmental indicators Cross-media effects Operational data Applicability Economics Driving force for implementation Reference organisations References The seven BEMPs created by Rupprecht Consult are about: Implementing a large [...]

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Stepping Stones Final Conference in Krakow, Poland

Conference on "How to Make Mobility Patterns More Sustainable" (18-19 September 2014)

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Rupprecht Runners successful in HRS Business Run

On August 21, Hana, Tim and Bernard joined 2030 other teams and came in 41st!

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Gdynia won RegioStars 2014 award for its modern trolleybus system

Green trolleybuses bring a better quality of urban life

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SWITCH Kick-off meeting and first workshop session in Vienna on July 16 and 17, 2014

The SWITCH project partners met for the first time at the kick-off meeting and the first workshop session. They discussed their ideas on how to encourage people to SWITCH from car-based to active mobility (cycling and walking) by using personalised information and communication technology approaches.

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SmartMove Training Seminar in Burgos

On 26th June 2014, the project partners of the SmartMove consortium gathered in Burgos, Spain for a Training Seminar and project meeting. This was the first of a series of five Training Seminars to be arranged by Rupprecht Consult that will take place over the course of the project.

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New consultant at Rupprecht Consult

On July 1, Silke Frank joined the team.

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1st stakeholder forum on e-mobility in the City of Rostock

The forum gathered about forty local actors and turned out to be a major success.

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Inspiring workshop held about monitoring and evaluation in SUMP development

Fourth training of CH4LLENGE’s workshop series successfully held in the City of Dresden, Germany.

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Planning for a liveable city

First European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Sopot, Poland (12-13 June 2014) gathers over 140 urban mobility planners and implementers from 24 countries

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1st CIVINET newsletter out now

The CIVITAS network for the German-speaking regions of Europe has issued its first newsletter.

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TRANSFORuM workshop on High-Speed Rail held in Rome.

Thirteen external stakeholders attended TRANSFORuM's second workshop on high-speed rail.

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The Rupprecht SUMP Quality Certificate

SUMP Quality Certification launched.

Be among the first cities to receive the SUMP Quality Certificate.

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Duisburg workshop

Long-distance freight workshop held in Duisburg.

The TRANSFORuM project continued its second series of thematic workshops with a stakeholder event in Duisburg on June 4 and 5 2014, focussing on long-distance freight.

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DYN@MO 2nd Consortium meeting and 2nd summer university held in Palma

Nearly 40 CIVITAS DYN@MO consortium partners met in Palma, 13-14 May 2014 to reflect on the achievements which the project has made after 18 months. The 2nd project Consortium Meeting was dedicated to risk assessment and process evaluation which is a crucial part of any CIVITAS project.During the 2 days meeting, the consortium focused on discussing the achievements made and the challenges faced so far relating them to the wider scope of the CIVITAS initiative. The meeting provided a great opportunity for DYN@MO partners, especially the Measure Leaders from Aachen, Gdynia, Koprivnica and Palma, to discuss together the positive experiences but also the challenges they have encountered regarding the implementation of different measures. Barriers and drivers to implementation on project and measure level were reviewed. Bringing together partners from four cities that can together improve their mobility planning processes and develop solutions for common problems was stated to be one of [...]

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First Train-the-Trainer Workshop on eco-driving for tram driving instructors was held in Leipzig

Not only do professional drivers and driving instructors benefit from periodic practical training, but also the project coordinators are given hours of hands-on training. Our colleague and ACTUATE project coordinator Wolfgang Backhaus set a good example and trained eco-driving behaviour in Leipzig.

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CIVINET Assembly in Bielefeld

Members of the CIVITAS network for the German-speaking regions of Europe gathered on May 20 Mai in Bielefeld.

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TRANSFORuM project exhibits at the ITF 2014 summit in Leipzig.

TRANSFORuM project coordinator Ralf Brand and our colleague Kristin Tovaas have set up an interactive booth to engage with the public and gather feedback during the three-day event, from May 21 – 23.

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Displaying results 621 to 640 out of 819