News Item

Study tour on electromobility


On September 07-09, the City of Aachen invited politicians and other interested stakeholders on a study tour on electromobility in public transport to Eberswalde and Braunschweig.

Aachen, partner city in the <link nc projects projects-details project civitas-dynmo.html _blank>CIVITAS DYN@MO project, is interested in offering electromobility in public transport in the form of e-buses to its citizens. In order to allow the local politicians to get a picture of possible options, the city organised a studytour, supported by Rupprecht Consult and partly co-financed by the <link nc projects projects-details project civitas-capital.html _blank>CIVITAS CAPITAL Activity Fund and EnergieAgentur NRW. In Eberswalde, the participants took a look at the local trolleybus system, operated by Barnimer Busgesellschaft. As already reported in the context of the <link nc projects projects-details project trolley-1.html _blank>TROLLEY project, Eberswalde showcases a very innovative System, the first hybrid trolleybus in Europe. Two fully functional electric drives allow the bus to also be used in areas without catenary. In an e-bus workshop, different systems were presented and discussed, bus manufacturers were introduced and different systems operating in different cities like Münster, Berlin or Geneva  In Braunschweig, the local operator Braunschweiger Verkehrs-AG presented ist system with inductive power transfer. In a short survey, the participants expressed a high level of satisfaction with the organisation and content of the tour.   The presentations given by speakers from bus manufacturers, bus Operators, Fraunhofer Institute, trolley:motion and the University of Gdansk can be found <link http: index.php busbahn studienreise-elektromobilitaet-im-oepnv.html _blank>here.

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Further Information

Wolfgang Backhaus

+49 221 6060 55 0

Siegfried Rupprecht

+49 221 6060 55 0