News Item

A full week of CH4LLENGE activities in the Czech Republic


The project consortium has successfully held two key training events and a coordination meeting in the City of Brno, Czech Republic

The CH4LLENGE project, led by Rupprecht Consult, organised its first National Seminar on sustainable urban mobility planning processes and the current situation for developing and implementing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in the Czech Republic. More than forty planning experts from all over the country attended the seminar and were introduced to SUMP planning practices in Brno, Ostrava, and Plzeň as well as to local case examples from Slovakia, Belgium and Germany. The National Seminar was followed by a two-day Consortium Meeting for which all seventeen participating organisations gathered. The first day focused on strategy development of the CH4LLENGE pilot schemes which the nine project cities are currently conducting and will continue to do so over the next twelve months, while the second day dealt with a great variety of project tasks such as teaching and training activities, communication and dissemination of project results and the development of the project’s key outputs – the CH4LLENGE Kits (to be available in early 2016). The CH4LLENGE week in Brno was complemented by a two-day CH4LLENGE University on sustainable urban mobility planning held for and with students from Brno University of Technology and Masaryk University. CH4LLENGE’s SUMP experts gave lectures on the four ‘challenges’ participation, institutional cooperation, measure selection and monitoring & evaluation, which were complemented by presentations of external lecturers coming from relevant local and regional planning organisations. In interactive workshops, students developed Campus SUMPs taking the principles of sustainable urban mobility planning into account. Since resonance was great from both sides – the students and the City of Brno – the students will be involved in the round table sessions the City of Brno is planning to hold for developing their SUMP. All presentations and further information are available on the CH4LLENGE website: <link http:>

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Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14