News Item

CIVITAS CAPITAL Advisory Group Meeting on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans


This Advisory Group (AG SUMP) met in Brussels for the first time on October 9 and 10.

CAPITAL Advisory Groups (AG) have been formed on various topics which reflect the focus of the Urban Mobility Package, the White Paper and the scope of CAPITAL. AG SUMP is convened to discuss and derive recommendations on the further development of the SUMP approach and how this can become a common planning practice in European cities considering the different situation (e.g. planning) frameworks in European Member States. In Brussels, recognised experts on SUMP from a range of organisations participated in lively discussions with members of the CAPITAL team and Christof Marx of EASME (the European Commissions's Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in the first AG SUMP meeting. The group focused on drafting recommendations for further development of SUMP policy both within CIVITAS and a wider policy context. The intended outcome of the four AG SUMP meetings that will be held over the course of the project is to broaden the scope of CIVITAS to tie it more closely to SUMP initiatives at the EU level, and provide strategic guidance in the process. The next meeting willl be held in February 2015.

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Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14

Hana Peters

+49 221 6060 55 0