News Item

Open call for TIDE Study Tour Catalogue


Showcase your city's innovation for mobility

To prepare its Study Tour Catalogue of innovative cities due next summer, TIDE is looking for cities willing to present their innovative transport solutions.Innovative cities will be able to showcase their good and innovative sustainable urban mobility practices in the field of: pricing measures (road pricing, parking policy), non-motorised transport (biking , public space), network and traffic management (traffic management, priority system), electric mobility and public transport organisation to be included in the TIDE study tour catalogue.

Cities included in the TIDE Study Tour catalogue should be willing to welcome direct inquiries from peers or mobility stakeholders for meetings or short study/on-site visits.

Has your city implemented one or several innovative measures in the field of transport and mobility? Would you like your city to appear in the TIDE study tour catalogue and would you like to welcome peers for meetings or visits?Please contact Bonnie Fenton, or Bernard Gyergyay, by 5th December 2014!

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Further Information

Bonnie Fenton

+49 173 726 3681