
TIDE workshops on innovation and sustainable urban mobility planning

Between 24 and 26 February 2015 the TIDE project saw over 60 participants in two workshops in Brussels. Topics of the events: making innovation happen, future research priorities and sustainable urban mobility planning.

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200 participants from 56 countries join the SOLUTIONS online course on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

SOLUTIONS is offering six free online courses, moderated by experts in the field and offering opportunities to connect to mobility practitioners from all over the world through each course’s online discussion forum.

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11:11 a.m. in Cologne

The inevitable, delectable, obvious, eagerly awaited, wonderful Carnival did not spare our team this year either.

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New starting date for SOLUTIONS e-learning courses

Monday, 9 February marks the start of the SOLUTIONS online courses. Register now to gain free, unlimited access to courses on innovative solutions for fostering sustainable urban mobility!

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TRANSFORuM "Recommendations" released

The "Recommendations on Joint Actions across Thematic Areas", which is one of the key outputs of the TRANSFORuM project is now available.

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E-mobility strategy of City of Rostock ready for Council decision

By means of an electric mobility strategy and an action plan, the Hanseatic City of Rostock pursues a coordinated expansion of its previous e-mobility activities and the long-term establishment of e-mobility in the city and the region.

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Final ACTUATE partner meeting and public conference held in Brussels

The final partner meeting and conference of the ACTUATE project (Advanced Training and Education for Safe Eco-driving of Clean Vehicles) took place on December 11 /12 2014 in Brussels. About 30 stakeholders from public transport companies and associations, educational organisations and clean vehicle industry attended the conference on Friday December 12 to hear about the outcomes of the project and the potentials in energy consumption and emissions reduction through eco-driving.

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Nous sommes Charlie

In solidarity with the victims of the cruel assassination of the Charlie Hebdo team.

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New paper on participatory mobility planning published with Elsevier

RC colleagues Miriam Lindenau and Susanne Böhler-Baedeker present state-of-the-art and new results on citizen and stakeholder involvement in sustainable urban mobility planning.

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E-learning launched in SOLUTIONS project

Learn about innovative solutions for fostering sustainable urban mobility in cities and regions around the world from the comfort of your office or home!

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TIDE “brown bag lunch webinar” recording

Did you miss the TIDE “brown bag lunch webinar” on integrating innovative transport measures into a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan?

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Rupprecht Consult at SUMP conference in São Paulo, Brazil

On December 2, Susanne Böhler-Baedeker held a presentation titled "Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning: What are the experiences in Europe?" and participated in a panel discussion on experience exchange in the conference organised by EMBARQ Brazil.

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TRANSFORuM Roadmaps published on 8 December

On 8 December 2014, the FP7 project TRANSFORuM released four “stakeholder-driven” roadmaps towards the implementation of the European Commission’s White Paper on Transport.

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Rupprecht Consult member of The German Partnership for Sustainable Mobility (GPSM)

The German Partnership for Sustainable Mobility is an initiative by the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB).

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New SUTP publication on „Urban Mobility Plans“ launched at BAQ/EST 2014 in Colombo

The publication was co-authored by Susanne Böhler-Baedeker of Rupprecht Consult.

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Third SOLUTIONS eNewsletter online!

We are happy to present the third issue of the SOLUTIONS eNewsletter and wish you a pleasant read. Click here to read the third eNewsletter!

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Last Mile Logistics conference in Frankfurt on December 9

The CIVITAS network for the German-speaking regions of Europe is organising the event together with HOLM and IHK Frankfurt (Chamber of Industry and Commerce)

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TIDE Transferability Methodology presented during the Livable Cities Symposium in Izmir, Turkey

Bernard Gyergyay, consultant at Rupprecht Consult,  presented the TIDE Transferability Methodology at the Livable Cities Symposium in Izmir, Turkey. The event was co-organized by EMBARQ Turkey and Izmir Development Agency (IZKA). The main theme of the event was "Bikable and Walkable Cities". Over 270 representatives from local administrations and public institutions, experts from development agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders interested in sustainable urban mobility attended. While the event served as an important venue for dissemination of TIDE activities beyond the EU, the topic of effective transfer of innovative transport measures is also important and we hope the TIDE Transferability Methodology can help facilitate the future transfer of innovative urban mobility measures between the EU and Turkey.The proceedings of the event are available here: information about the TIDE Transferability Methodology are [...]

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Transformation is possible. Roadmaps for the Future of Transport in Europe

Stakeholders gather at the TRANSFORuM conference in Brussels on 8 December

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A full week of CH4LLENGE activities in the Czech Republic

The project consortium has successfully held two key training events and a coordination meeting in the City of Brno, Czech Republic

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Displaying results 581 to 600 out of 818