SWITCH meeting with SWITCH consortium and Follower Cities in Gdansk on April 09, 2015
Both the SWITCH consortium and nearly 30 Follower Cities met for the first time in Gdansk. Title of the workshop was "Getting everyone on board – Follower Cities and SWITCH partners: Designing a Personalised Travel Planning campaign scenario." Aim of the workshop was to get familiar with the SWITCH project, share experience and first steps towards an implementation scenario with SWITCH components. All presentations from the workshop can be downloaded:<link http: www.switchtravel.eu cvxx _blank workshop>www.switchtravel.eu/#!events/cvxx The Follower Cities within the SWITCH project are so far: Aarhus (Denmark)Almada (Portugal)Aviles (Spain)Bielefeld (Germany)Bologna (Italy)Cork (Ireland)Dresden (Germany)Ferrara (Italy)Heerhugowaard (Netherlands)Koprivnica (Croatia)Krusevac (Serbia)Ljutomer (Slovenia)Norwich (UK)Nova-Gorica (Slovenia)Oostende (Belgium)Palma (Spain)Ploiesti (Romania)Ponferrada (Spain)Prague (Chzech Republik)Reading (UK)Riga (Latvia)Skopje (Macedonia)Sofia (Bulgaria)Southend-on-Sea (UK)Tartu (Estonia)Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)West London/ Ealing (UK)
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Further Information
Ralf Brand
+49 221 6060 55 18