
Mobility for All in Rural Areas: Inspiring solutions from MAMBA

The MAMBA project recently released one of its key publications, which presents the innovative mobility solutions developed and implemented within the MAMBA project.

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Registrations open for new events in the context of LOW-CARB project

There are two upcoming events organised by LOW-CARB to present and transfer collected research results and lessons learned from pilots. The events are both going to take place online and registrations are open from now on.

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InterregCE LOW-CARB at the 2020 Urban Mobility Days

The Urban Mobility Days (UMD) is the first of a series of annual conferences combining two of the previous major European mobility events: CIVITAS conference and the SUMP conference. This year’s edition of UMD took place online. The four-day event, between 29 September and 02 October, sought to bring together various stakeholders in the sustainable transport and mobility industry to exchange knowledge, best practices, and current projects that showcase innovations for the transition to low-carbon cities and regions.

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Rupprecht Consult signed the Manifesto for EU COVID-19 research

The European Commission set up a Manifesto with the aim of maximising the accessibility of research results in the fight against COVID-19.

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Rupprecht Consult at Urban Mobility Days 2020

Rupprecht Consult had the pleasure to attend, present, and contribute to the organisation of the first ever Urban Mobility Days conference, which this year took place as a virtual event over 29 September - 2 October.

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Former intern Mich brings SUNRISE ideas to Malaysia

Our former intern, Ms. Mich Hoo, co-organised the conference "Co-creating roadmaps towards sustainable urban mobility" in Malaysia.

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Latin American cities learn and share knowledge on SUMP

More than 70 authorities in 23 cities in Latin America actively participate in the EUROCLIMA+ learning programme on SUMPs. The learning programme aims to provide local authorities the necessary technical capacities for the development and implementation of SUMPs in their local contexts.

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Shaping sustainable mobility in peripheral districts by looking through the functional urban area planning lens

Successful measures and tools to guide practitioners through the integrated mobility planning process beyond the city centre area

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MAMBA keynote

On 10 September 2020, Ralf Brand, the leader of our "People-focused mobility solutions" team gave the keynote during the 2nd part of the MAMBA final conference with the title "A Guide to Collaborative Mobility Solutions in Rural Areas".

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Antofagasta finishes the diagnosis phase of its SUMP

On June 11, 2020, Antofagasta organised a workshop to this aim.

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Guadalajara fosters the construction of its SUMP!

Aiming to progress on the construction of Guadalajara SUMP, a comprehensive assessment of the planning processes and outcomes was carried out to provide a good overview of the current situation. These results were discussed in a participatory workshop on 26 August 2020 with active participation of IMEPLAN, the Metropolitan Table, GIZ and Rupprecht Consult. The priorities and areas of action also were defined and will provide the direction for the construction of the SUMP.

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SUNRISE Package of recommendations cover

SUNRISE releases recommendations across five key topic areas

To strengthen the capacity of SUNRISE neighbourhoods to develop their measures, a series of workshops were held over the course of three years for city partners and technical partners to discuss their experiences and ideas along five key topic areas.

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Stakeholder consultation workshop for the RAIM project took place online

The first RAIM stakeholder consultation workshop took place online with thirteen participants from all over Germany. Potential users of RAIM were introduced to the concept and feedback on the methodology was collected.

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In-motion charging as an innovative solution to fuel emission-free public transport

Two years after the project’s kick-off, we now gladly share the interim report on the Electric Mobility Europe (EME) project trolley:2.0, which contributes to the renaissance of trolleybus systems in Europe.

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Session on policy making and infrastructure development to prepare for automation in the 2020 online AVS

The 2020 AVS (Automated Vehicle Symposium) took place completely online. In their breakout session on 'no-regret options for policy making and infrastructure development', Siegfried Rupprecht, Wolfgang Backhaus, and Daniel Franco sparked interesting conversations reaching far into the uncharted waters of road vehicle automation.

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LOW-CARB: Online Exploitation Workshop 25.06.2020

One of the leading goals of Interreg Central Europe’s low-carbon pillar is to ensure that low-carbon innovations and pilots that are trialed during their projects, are successfully transferred beyond pilot regions to the wider programme area. LOW-CARB’s diverse consortium was initially carefully selected with this in mind. In order to have a widespread reach after the project’s lifetime, it has strategically aligned itself with leapfrogging cities of low-carbon technologies and practices in Central Europe as well as established close connections with mobility networks and groups with the necessary skills and resources to disseminate the project’s accomplishments. To start the transferal process and help Central Europe transition to sustainable and low-carbon mobility, LOW-CARB held an online exploitation workshop as part of its most recent webinar series and Follower City Programme on 25th June 2020. About 40 mobility experts and EU funding professionals gathered to discuss how to [...]

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LOW-CARB: Annual Advisory Board Meeting

The Advisory Board gathered for a final meeting on June 23rd, 2020 to take a most recent stock of LOW-CARB’s accomplishments and trials to date. Ronald Juhrs (LVB, LOW CARB’s lead partner) voiced a great appreciation and pride of the work and results produced by the project thus far!

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COVID-19 SUMP practitioner briefing now online

Over the past few months, societies have been overwhelmed by a global crisis, which affected and disrupted mobility systems. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, cities and regions have had to adapt their mobility systems at an unprecedented rate and scale. To handle the challenges posed by the crisis, local authorities need guidance and support in navigating and adapting to new conditions and ensuring the sustainable mobility is prioritised in a shifting urban landscape. During such a crisis period that directly affects mobility, and where immediate action is required, SUMP could serve as the leading process for local and regional coordination of mobility measure implementation. In June, the CIVITAS SATELLITE project led the preparation of a COVID-19 SUMP Practitioner Briefing, now available online. The document was developed in cooperation with SATELLITE partners as well as the Handshake and SUMP PLUS projects over the course of several weeks. A rigorous review and stakeholder [...]

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LOW-CARB Exploitation Workshop (incl. 5 interactive breakout sessions)!

Do you want to see how LOW-CARB partners plan to turn their project results into a wide-spread reality?

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First part of LOW-CARB online workshop on the future of public transport

The first part of the workshop "The future of public transport - new technologies, innovations and planned development" was held on June 2, 2020 on the ZOOM platform for about 60 members of the CIVINET network and other interested participants from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia.

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