Guadalajara fosters the construction of its SUMP!
Aiming to progress on the construction of Guadalajara SUMP, a comprehensive assessment of the planning processes and outcomes was carried out to provide a good overview of the current situation. These results were discussed in a participatory workshop on 26 August 2020 with active participation of IMEPLAN, the Metropolitan Table, GIZ and Rupprecht Consult. The priorities and areas of action also were defined and will provide the direction for the construction of the SUMP.
Guadalajara, México is one of the three Euroclima+ SUMP cities that has put efforts recently to progress on the construction of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara (AMG). With this aim, a comprehensive assessment of the mobility planning in the city has been carried out, including an assessment of the planning practices and the planning outcomes. The assessment process was coordinated closely with IMEPLAN (Instituto Metropolitano de Planeación), the local authority that coordinates mobility at a metropolitan level in Guadalajara and the German Cooperation (GIZ)
The planning practices were assessed using the new version of the SUMP self-assessment tool to evaluate the performance of the eight principles of SUMP. In a complementary way, the main planning documents for urban mobility in the AMG were revised which included a detailed evaluation of the PIMUS (Plan Integral de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible, 2015) and a recent Origin Destination survey for freight transport, 2018. Both evaluations provided a good overview of the current opportunities, weaknesses, strengths and threats. Along with the assessment processes and organisation of the workshop, Rupprecht Consult provided key technical and strategic support.
The outcomes of the assessments were discussed in a participatory workshop that took place on 26 August 2020 in a digital format with the active participation of IMEPLAN, the Metropolitan Table which brings together district municipalities in Guadalajara, GIZ and Rupprecht Consult. The workshop also provided the platform to define the priorities and main areas of action for the construction of the SUMP in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara.
Related Projects
SUMPs for Latin America
Further Information
Susanne Böhler-Baedeker
+49 221 6060 55 14
Katy Huaylla
+49 173 726 3684