LOW-CARB: Online Exploitation Workshop 25.06.2020
One of the leading goals of <link https: www.interreg-central.eu content.node home.html external-link-new-window external link in new>Interreg Central Europe’s low-carbon pillar is to ensure that low-carbon innovations and pilots that are trialed during their projects, are successfully transferred beyond pilot regions to the wider programme area. LOW-CARB’s diverse consortium was initially carefully selected with this in mind. In order to have a widespread reach after the project’s lifetime, it has strategically aligned itself with leapfrogging cities of low-carbon technologies and practices in Central Europe as well as established close connections with mobility networks and groups with the necessary skills and resources to disseminate the project’s accomplishments. To start the transferal process and help Central Europe transition to sustainable and low-carbon mobility, LOW-CARB held an online exploitation workshop as part of its most recent webinar series and Follower City Programme on 25th June 2020. About 40 mobility experts and EU funding professionals gathered to discuss how to adopt LOW-CARB’s activities. The interactive event consisted of a morning plenary session in which partners briefly presented their selected action plan measures & tools. This was followed by presentations from the European Investment Bank (Joachim Schneider) and ZENIT (Doris Scheffler) who respectively gave participants targeted advice on funding opportunities and innovative procurement. The plenary session was followed in the afternoon by four thematic breakout “slam” sessions in which partners organised and facilitated discussions and workshop activities with their participants to brainstorm how to maximize the specific project products, tools, and outputs. The sessions were: co-creating the micro-mobility hub in Leipzig Nordraum; smart multimodal mobility station in Koprivnica; how to make best use of the SUMP Self-Assessment Tool and future applications of the Central European Competence Center; and how to achieve the safe last mile for school children in Skawina. If you or your city would be interested in possible exploitation of LOW-CARB innovations, please contact the project manager Marlene Damerau at: <link mail external link in new>m.damerau@rupprecht-consult.eu . We would be excited to engage and take low-carbon mobility further together! Downloadable materials available at: <link http: www.interreg-central.eu content.node online-exploitation-workshop-downloads.html external-link-new-window external link in new>
www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/Online-Exploitation-Workshop-Downloads.html Related Projects
Further Information
[1] LOW-CARB Online Exploitation Workshop