
EUROCLIMA+ Training on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) in Latin America

In the framework of our EUROCLIMA+ project for Latin America, a SUMP training was led and organised by our colleagues Katy Huaylla and Susanne Böhler-Baedeker with the support of the German Cooperation (GIZ) and carried out in Bogotá, Colombia on 20 - 21 February 2020.

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SUMP award finalists announced

The European Commission has decided upon the nominees for the Award for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP award) and the first EU Urban Road Safety Award. Siegfried Rupprecht took part in the decision-making as a jury member.

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New SUMP poster: Planning the sustainable city

Inspired by success stories of European SUMP cities, our new SUMP poster illustrates the sustainable planning process of an urban area

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SUNRISE interview series published to present participating action neighbourhoods

In order to show the success of each action neighbourhood within the SUNRISE project, representatives of each city have been interviewed during last year's SUNRISE consortium meeting in Budapest.

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Get together with students from University of Texas at Austin

During a study trip to Europe, professor Ming Zhang and a group of students from the Community and Regional Planning programme at University of Texas at Austin (UT) met with Ralf Brand in our offices to foster international university - business relations.

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New intern at Rupprecht Consult

Dhany Utami Ningtyas joined the team in February 2020

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New SUMP Self-Assessment tool out now

You would like to develop a SUMP, but don't know where to start? You would like to evaluate the status of mobility planning in your city and receive tailored feedback how to further improve?

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Decision Makers Summary on SUMP Guidelines out now

In order to make the SUMP Guidelines more accessible, we have created an interactive summary that contains the most relevant take-aways for decision makers of the SUMP Guidelines' 2nd edition.

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Final event of H2020 STARS project took place in Bremen

The final event of the STARS project focused on sharing findings and providing an outlook on the potential of car sharing concepts in European countries. Our colleague Ralf Brand joined the conference and brought back many new insights and contacts.

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SOLUTIONSplus flagship project has kicked-off

Rupprecht Consult is proud to be part of the Commission's global electrification flagship project

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Annex to the SUMP Guidelines available now

The Annex To The Guidelines For Developing And Implementing A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (2nd Edition) is now available. The annex contains a collection of European SUMP stories, a glossary, checklists for all SUMP Phases, and an overview of all SUMP Guidance documents - and the experts who took part in consultations.

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Video about co-creation for mobility solutions in neighbourhoods featuring SUNRISE now online

SUNRISE joined the cluster workshop 'Co-creating Urban Mobility in Neighbourhoods' held at the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) in Brussels last year. A brief video was produced featuring the key speakers of the event.

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Sign up for the final conference of the CoEXist project

The CoEXist Final Conference will take place in Milton Keynes (UK), on 25-26 March 2020.

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New interim communication specialist

Marie Rupprecht joined our team for internal communications project

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New intern at Rupprecht Consult

Julia Dick joined us in December 2019 to complete her master's thesis.

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INCLUSION Newsletter #4 out now!

The 4th newsletter of the INCLUSION project features the following topics:Inspiration and guidance on inclusive transport; Transport Demand & Social Media; Barcelona peri-urban area in the spotlight

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LOW-CARB launching first innovative pilots in Krakow, Skawina and Leipzig

In the context of the LOW-CARB project, three pilots were launched in the beginning of December. The diverse pilots will be our leading examples of how to integrate low-carbon mobility plans in urban areas.

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EfficienCE project pilot with a première: Solar power from PV films lights up underground station

A Wiener Linien pilot project with Wien Energie to promote active climate protection in Ottakring as part of EfficienCE

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2nd Edition SUMP Guidelines - now available as an online booklet

The Guidelines for developing and implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (2nd edition) have now been converted to an online booklet available on the Eltis portal.

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Participation of Rupprecht Consult in the conference “VIII Jornadas de Movilidad Sostenible: Plan de Implantación. De la redacción a la acción” in the Canary Islands

In the framework of the development of several SUMPs in various municipalities in the Canary Islands, the conference was organised by the Public Works, Transport and Housing Council of the Canary Islands government, in order to provide to participants with an integrated vision of policies related to mobility and transport.

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