
First part of LOW-CARB online workshop on the future of public transport

The first part of the workshop "The future of public transport - new technologies, innovations and planned development" was held on June 2, 2020 on the ZOOM platform for about 60 members of the CIVINET network and other interested participants from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia.

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SUMP goes global – Chinese version of the SUMP Guidelines available now


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New LOW-CARB event

Grab your 10AM coffee and sip your way through our next webinar! The hour long session presents LOW-CARB's innovative solutions for better connecting remote business districts to residential areas within functional urban areas.

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Kruševac, Karditsa, Brussels and Pontevedra win European sustainable mobility awards

The European Commission has announced the winners of four sustainable mobility awards.

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LOW-CARB Polish pilots promoted beyond Central Europe

Exciting discussions around cargo-bikes and e-busses in the first day of Civinet Romania annual conference (online event). Our colleague Ana-Maria Baston was invited to present the e-cargo bike sharing scheme implemented in Krakow and the on-demand e-bus service running in Skawina during the interactive session with participants.

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Sign up for the first ReVeAL webinar on "ReVeALing Space for People: Developing Good Practice in Urban Vehicle Access Regulations"

Webinar: ReVeALing Space for People: Developing Good Practice in Urban Vehicle Access Regulations. When: 26 May 2020, 17:00-18:00 CEST What it’s about: The EU ReVeAL project is looking at how cities can successfully regulate vehicle access in order to create more attractive places for people and business. At this webinar, you’ll find out what kinds of access regulation measures are possible and what cross-cutting factors play a role in any successful implementation. We’ll also ‘ReVeAL’ the story of the city of Ghent’s development as a forerunner in restricting access for vehicles to create space for people. How to register: 

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EUROCLIMA+ and MobiliseYourCity webinar on challenges in developing SUMPs in Latin America

As part of our learning programme on SUMPs for Latin American cities, we organised another webinar for the community of practice of EUROCLIMA+ and MobiliseYourCity under the title of “desarrollando planes de movilidad urbana sostenible en Latinoamérica - los retos en el camino” (developing sustainable urban mobility plans in Latin America - challenges along the way) on the 21 of April.

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New INTERREG project Dynaxability4CE

Rupprecht Consult led a virtual kick-off meeting for a new INTERREG project, Dynaxability4CE on April 21st and 22nd

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Transnational Workshop: Data-based planning of energy-efficient public transport services and infrastructure

This webinar will present methods and use cases from the InterregCE EfficienCE and LOW-CARB projects that demonstrate how data-based planning can be used to implement and manage energy-efficient public transport infrastructure in Central-European contexts.

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New intern at Rupprecht Consult

Franz Jakob Rupprecht joined our Collective and Intelligent Mobility team on 1 April 2020

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Coming soon: CIVITAS e-course on regional cooperation in the field of mobility

April 20th marks the start of a four-week CIVITAS e-course on regional cooperation in the field of mobility

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CoExist final conference took place online

After three years of hard work, we met our partners on 25 and 26 March to discuss final findings and main outputs of the CoExist project.

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Two newly released Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning tools

Get acquainted with two newly released Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning tools in an upcoming webinar Series by the InterregCE LOW-CARB project

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Rupprecht Consult online

We are of course keeping up the good work - in good spirit.

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First GECKO webinar held on managing new mobility offerings

How can decision-makers cope with the rapid surge of new technologies and innovative business models in the context of urban mobility? The first webinar of the GECKO project was conducted by our colleagues Bonnie Fenton and Hana Peters and it focused on the integration of e-scooters into urban mobility concepts.

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Keynote on SUMP guidelines held at Busworld Academy in Istanbul

Our colleague Wolfgang Backhaus held a keynote on our second edition of the guidelines for sustainable urban mobility planning and capacity building at the Busworld Academy in Istanbul last week.

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2nd edition of the SUMP guidelines presented at the Transport and Climate Change Week

Our colleagues Siegfried Rupprecht and Katy Huaylla are presenting the second edition of our SUMP guidelines at the Transport and Climate Change Week. This event is one of the key annual international events organised by our partner Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and aims at creating international as well as interdisciplinary discussions on how we can build more sustainable transport around the world.

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EUROCLIMA+ Training on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) in Latin America

In the framework of our EUROCLIMA+ project for Latin America, a SUMP training was led and organised by our colleagues Katy Huaylla and Susanne Böhler-Baedeker with the support of the German Cooperation (GIZ) and carried out in Bogotá, Colombia on 20 - 21 February 2020.

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SUMP award finalists announced

The European Commission has decided upon the nominees for the Award for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP award) and the first EU Urban Road Safety Award. Siegfried Rupprecht took part in the decision-making as a jury member.

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New SUMP poster: Planning the sustainable city

Inspired by success stories of European SUMP cities, our new SUMP poster illustrates the sustainable planning process of an urban area

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Displaying results 281 to 300 out of 838