News Item

First part of LOW-CARB online workshop on the future of public transport


The first part of the workshop "The future of public transport - new technologies, innovations and planned development" was held on June 2, 2020 on the ZOOM platform for about 60 members of the CIVINET network and other interested participants from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia.

The workshop was organized by ODRAZ-Sustainable Community Development as a Network Secretariat in cooperation with the City of Koprivnica within the Interreg project LowCarb - Capacity Building for Integrated Low-Carbon Mobility Planning. Guest lecturers were Lasse Brand (Rupprecht Consult, Germany), Ph.D. Predrag Brlek, (University North, Koprivnica), Marko Slavulj (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb), Tihomir Dakić (Center for the Environment, BiH) and Matija Vuger (City of Zagreb). The workshop was moderated by Marko Stančec from ODRAZ. Lasse Brand from Rupprecht Consult presented the second edition of the SUMP guidelines. He believes that sustainable urban mobility plans will play a very important role in the future, as they are linked to climate, and climate is an important topic in the next EU programming period. An interesting presentation on public transport during the pandemic was given by Dr Sc. Predrag Brlek from the University of the North, giving an overview of how some world cities have adapted to the crisis and what measures they have taken to help their citizens and communities during the pandemic. He also presented the results of a recent University of the North study on the mobility of the working population from Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tihomir Dakić from the Banja Luka Center for the Environment also commented on the current crisis on the example of public bicycle systems and micromobility. What they would like the cities of the future to look was the topic of Marko Slavulj from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb. In his presentation, he spoke about smart cities (the future) as well as the importance of public urban transport and presented several examples and concepts of public transport of the future (Volvo, Navya, Uber, Mercedes). Matija Vuger from the City of Zagreb spoke about the planning of public transport in Zagreb, referring to strategic development and planning documents, analysis and review of public transport and the master plan of the transport system of the City of Zagreb, Zagreb and Krapina-Zagorje County. In the second part of the workshop, which will take place on June 9, one of the guest speakers will be Tom Rye, a leading European transport expert, who will give a presentation on innovative measures for public transport and public transport in times of uncertainty. Wolfgang Backhaus from Rupprecht Consulting will present data-based energy efficient transport planning. They will be joined by Vuk Bogdanović from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and Ante Klečina from Varaždin County. If you want to participate in the workshop on June 9, and you did not manage to register, contact us at the e-mail address <link mail window for sending>

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Further Information

Wolfgang Backhaus

+49 221 6060 55 0