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Read moreThe concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) will be promoted as a new way of urban mobility planning in Slovakia
Read moreRound Table discussion on SYNAPTIC Seamless Mobility Action Plan to take place in Brussels
Read moreELTISplus held its final SUMP Workshop in Cologne on 19 March 2013. The event was hosted and moderated by Rupprecht Consult. It brought together fifteen urban mobility experts from eight countries to discuss how the draft "Guidelines on Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan" could be improved and updated. The final version of the SUMP Guidelines is expected to be released in May 2013.
Read moreDespite harsh weather conditions across Western Europe, a well-attended workshop on the future of electric public transport took place in Brussels last Tuesday, 12 March 2013. Together with representatives of the European Commission and Central Europe programme, electro mobility experts from academia, the public and private sector discussed the potential of trolleybuses for the electrification of public transport and for reaching Europe’s zero emission targets in the near future. As one highlight of the event, TROLLEY project partners handed over a collection of TROLLEY Declarations signed by 70 different stakeholders across Europe to the European Commission (photo from left to right: Frank Schneider, JTS Central Europe; Patrick Mercier-Handisyde, DG RTD, European Commission; Hugue van Honacker, DG MOVE, European Commission; Gunter Mackinger, Director Salzburg AG). The high number of signatories proves the widespread support of trolleybuses as a sustainable electric mode of [...]
Read moreWe are happy to welcome another new team member, the last one for the time being.
Read moreJoin us for the TROLLEY Research and Innovation Roadmap - Workshop & Presentation
Read more22 experts from nine countries gathered in Cologne from Febuary 20th to 22nd for the kick-off meeting of the TRANSFORuM project.
Read moreThe event was a big success, bringing together political leaders and project partners from all four participating cities together to collaborate, learn, and establish the solid foundation of what will surely be a fruitful partnership.
Read moreOn "Weiberfastnacht" (Women's Carnival or Women's Thursday), women take over in Cologne and other cities along the Rhine.
Read moreOn February 1 , Ralf Brand joined Rupprecht Consult.
Read moreThe mission of TRANSFORuM is to contribute to the transformation process towards a competitive and resource-efficient European transport system by engaging key actors to participate in a stakeholder forum and to implement its recommendations.
Read moreLast week on 22 and 23 January Szeged (HU) hosted TROLLEY’s final conference.
Read moreAs the first ACTUATE project partner, Salzburg AG held training sessions for more energy-efficient and safe driving of clean vehicles this week.
Read moreYour input is most welcome!
Read moreCIVITAS DYN@MO will hold its first Consortium Meeting and Project Kick-off in Aachen, Germany, between the 28th and 30th of January 2013.
Read moreThe SYNAPTIC project is hosting a series of round tables with stakeholders in mobility in Europe. The next one is taking place in Brussels on 30 January.
Read moreToday, Ana-Maria Baston joined the growing RC team.
Read moreThe mission of the TIDE project is to enhance the broad transfer and take-up of 15 innovative urban transport and mobility measures throughout Europe and to make a visible contribution to establish them as mainstream measures.
Read moreThe first week of 2013 not only brought a new trainee, but also a new junior consultant: Bernard Gyergyay.
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