As the first ACTUATE project partner, Salzburg AG held training sessions for more energy-efficient and safe driving of clean vehicles this week.
Over the last three days, 36 trolleybus drivers participated in the training in Salzburg. Prior to these trainings, all driving instructors and the executive staff holding a trolleybus license were trained as multiplicators. In total, more than 300 drivers will be trained just in Salzburg. Together with the formal education on safety and technical issues of trolleybuses, the practical part of the training has been receiving very positive feedback from the participants. As a result of the training, inefficient driving habits were reduced and energy consumption went down by as much as 25%. Of course these results still need long-term validation, but the ACTUATE trainings are off to a very good start. The ACTUATE partners LAB and LVB (Leipzig, Germany) also kicked-off their first training sessions for more energy-efficient and safe driving of their hybrid bus fleet. Just like in Salzburg, the partners from Leipzig have observed some promising results regarding the reduction of energy consumption. On average a five percent reduction of Diesel fuel consumption was observed, which is in line with the expected and desired outcome. In order to simulate real-world conditions, the practical part of the training takes place on existing network routes including all scheduled stops. Overall, the trainings have been receiving very positive feedback from the participating drivers.+49 221 6060 55 0