Round Table discussion on SYNAPTIC Seamless Mobility Action Plan to take place in Brussels
The SYNAPTIC Project is hosting the fourth in a series of round tables on seamless mobility in Brussels on 12 April 2013. The discussion will centre around SYNAPTIC’s soon-to-be-released Seamless Mobility Action Plan (S-MAP 2030) and its recommendations within the context of the EU Transport White Paper.Invited guests from the Directorates General Regio, MOVE and Research, MEPs Brian Simpson, Michael Cramer and Phil Bennion from the European Parliament Transport and Tourism Committee, representatives of the European Passengers’ Federation, INTERREG, Deutsche Bahn, UITP and others will discuss the SYNAPTIC themes of seamless information, seamless ticketing, seamless and timely service connections and seamless interchange hubs. The discussion will be moderated by Professor Sir Peter Hall of University College London.+49 173 726 3681