News Item

New month, new staff


On February 1 , Ralf Brand joined Rupprecht Consult.

He is a Geographer (University of Eichstätt) with a PhD in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Austin. He worked as consultant for the Sustainable Performance Group and advised a number of municipalities on their Local Agenda 21 processes. He was also Lecturer in an action-research project at Queen's University Belfast and from 2006 to 2013 Ralf was Senior Lecturer (equiv. to Associate Professor) at the University of Manchester's Architecture Research Centre where he developed and managed a portfolio of large research projects about the "synchronisation" of social and technical change in a variety of thematic areas. He wrote several publications about integrated approaches to urban mobility and edited a special issue of the Journal Built Environment about socio-technical mobility concepts. Ralf is also co-founder of the organisation CARINA e.V., which has successfully initiated certain innovative mobility projects in Ansbach.