22 experts from nine countries gathered in Cologne from Febuary 20th to 22nd for the kick-off meeting of the TRANSFORuM project.
The project aims to contribute to the implementation of four key goals of the whitepaper “Transport 2050” which was issued by the European Commission in 2011. TRANSFORuM will do this by developing concrete policy advice in the form of a roadmap and other outputs which will be developed over the coming 24 months in close consultation with a broad range of stakeholders. Rupprecht Consult co-ordinates this project and is responsible for two work packages. More information about TRANSFORuM will soon be available at <link http: www.transforum-project.eu _blank>www.transforum-project.eu. The project co-ordinator, Dr. Ralf Brand, can be reached at <link>r.brand(at)rupprecht-consult.eu.+49 221 6060 55 18