Project Details

SUMPs for Latin America

EUROCLIMA+ is a regional cooperation programme that fosters climate-resilient and sustainable development in 18 countries in Latin America. Its targets currently are focused to provide technical and financial support for the development and implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation policies while facilitating policy dialogue and climate action. In this framework, this project is aimed to provide support for the development of sustainable urban mobility in Latin America through direct support to Latin American partners and GIZ in the development of the EUROCLIMA+ Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in three pilot cities.

These are Ambato (Ecuador), Antofagasta (Chile) and Guadalajara (Mexico), as well as to the EUROCLIMA+/MobiliseYourCity regional Community of Practice (CoP). It includes the provision of specific advice for the structuring of the SUMP development, preparation and approval, as well as capacity development, knowledge exchange and good practice dissemination.

Project goal

The overall objective of the project is to support a successful development of SUMPs in the three pilot cities in Latin America, and to strengthen technical capacity and foster knowledge exchange in the development of SUMPs and in sustainable urban mobility in general in decision makers and mobility practitioners in Latin American cities.


Output 1: Support to the SUMP development process in the pilot cities

Output 2: Technical advice in specific steps and tasks the SUMP development in the pilot cities

Output 3: Support the activities of the Community of Practice through regional dissemination and capacity strengthening. Development of a blended learning programme with a combination of online learning (e-courses, webinars) and on-site learning (workshops, conferences) in cooperation with the Community of Practice for Latin America.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

We provides strategic and technical advice for the development of SUMPs in the three pilot cities, and coordinate and prepare a regional learning programme on the development of SUMPs in order to foster capacity development and knowledge exchange within Latin America and beyond.

Project partners


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