News Item

EUROCLIMA+ beneficiaries and partners met to strengthen urban mobility actions in Latin America


The meeting gathered city partners, counterparts, beneficiaries of the 19 projects and 5 actions of the EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility component.

From 27 to 29 September, the urban mobility sector of the EUROCLIMA+ program, implemented by the German Cooperation (GIZ) and the French Cooperation (AFD) carried out a fully online annual beneficiary and partner meeting. 19 projects and 5 actions of the urban mobility component of EUROCLIMA+ implemented in 13 countries in Latin America participated in the meeting. The aim was to share and celebrate project achievements, learn about uncertainty management and develop capacities for the projects' sustainability and effective implementation. The meeting was organised to last three days. The first day aimed at an exchange on the achievements and lessons learned of actions and projects during the last year. The second day focused on the management of uncertainty to plan for the future. And the third day aimed to look ahead and reflect on the projects' sustainability, identifying support needs and possible ways of further cooperation and exchange. As key partners of EUROCLIMA+, we participated in two of the three days, supported the organisation and moderation of interactive sessions and presented our newly published guide on "Planning for more resilient and robust urban mobility". This was quite timely in the meeting as the guide brings together SUMP and resilience concepts, principles and practical recommendations with an international focus which was of interest to city partners. We are very happy to have been able to participate in this year's Euroclima+ beneficiaries meeting. We hope to continue supporting more Latin American initiatives!Please find further info (in Spanish) <link https: contact-9 noticia-urbano external-link-new-window external link in new>here.

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SUMPs for Latin America

Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14

Katy Huaylla

+49 173 726 3684

Euroclima+ beneficiary meeting