Project Details

SUMP Surabaya

The purpose of the project is to prepare a SUMP for the Greater Surabaya Metropolitan Area, an area with very limited public transport system (contributing to less than 5% of the modal split). The overall objective of the project is thus to respond to the increasing mobility demand by developing the first comprehensive SUMP for the Surabaya Metropolitan Region based on an intensive stakeholder participation process.

SUMP Surabaya

Project details

Duration 09/2022 - 03/2024

Coordinator EGIS

Project goal

The overall objective of the project is thus to respond to the increasing mobility demand by developing the first comprehensive SUMP for the Surabaya Metropolitan Region based on an intensive stakeholder participation process.

In particular, this SUMP aims to sustainably strengthen climate-friendly, energy-efficient public transport, including the improvement of accessibility to opportunities and services for the population of the whole metropolitan area.

Furthermore, it is envisioned that the first SUMP will contribute to a paradigm shift towards the establishment of integrated, cross-sectoral, and partnership-based planning processes, which not only account for individual motorized transport, but also consider social and urban development issues and, in particular, pursue climate protection goals.


The main result will be the SUMP strategy of the Greater Metropolitan Surabaya. By the end of the project, a common vision as well as indicators will have been developed, a SUMP action plan with a concrete proposal for pipeline of measures and projects will have been detailed. These results will have been accompanied by continuous capacity building activities and stakeholder engagement activities.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult is project partner supporting the project activities throughout the SUMP process, from the mobility diagnosis phase to the final presentation of the SUMP. In the project, we provide planning expertise in the fields of integrated transport planning, last-mile connectivity, non-motorized transport and accessibility, stakeholder engagement, sustainable and intelligent transport systems, mobility resilience and multi-modality.

Project partners

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