
Pilot version of SUMP Self-Assessment Scheme launched for peer review

Rupprecht Consult has developed a pioneering SUMP Self-Assessment Scheme that is currently undergoing a period of testing by planning authorities and mobility practitioners. The free, online self-assessment tool enables planning authorities to demonstrate the compliance of their mobility planning process with the European Commission‘s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) concept. Based on the plan-making steps of the „Guidelines – developing and implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan“ (January 2014), the self-assessment scheme comprises 100 questions divided into nine sections. These cover the early stages of planning, such as the commitment of a city to sustainable mobility principles, through to scenario development, mobility measure selection and finally plan adoption. The rationale for providing a SUMP self-assessment tool and the structure of the scheme were explained during webinars held on 22nd and 29th October 2015. The subsequent pilot phase for testing of [...]

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The first ELIPTIC newsletter was released

The ELIPTIC consortium is pleased to welcome you to the first newsletter of ELIPTIC - a project that will shape the future and change the way electric public transport and rolling stock are integrated into existing electric infrastructure. The ELIPTIC newsletter aims to keep you informed about the project’s progress and intermediate results. In this first issue, you will learn about the ELIPTIC objectives and expected outputs as well as the work done so far. To read the newsletter, click here. 

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CIVINET Deutscher Sprachraum - Training in Berlin on October 28

(Text in German below)

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Alexandra surprised her colleagues with a Rupprecht Consult cake

To celebrate her start at Rupprecht Consult, Alexandra baked a Rupprecht Consult cake for today's office meeting.

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TIDE Final Conference in Barcelona: 3 years of cooperation on mainstreaming innovative measures in the field of urban mobility

Around 120 decision makers and transport technicians from local authorities interested in integrating innovations in their urban mobility policies, and professionals concerned by innovation in urban transport attended the Final Conference of the TIDE project (Transport Innovation Deployment for Europe) that took place in Barcelona on 15- 16 September.

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Schools wanted! Who wants to play the Traffic Snake Game?

(Text in German below)

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Rupprecht Consult cycles 4,500km and saves 850 kg CO²

Successful ending of Cycle to Work campaign

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SWITCH 2nd Newsletter cover

2nd Newsletter of the SWITCH project released

The second issue of the SWITCH newsletter has just been released. The project is now officially half way through. Many activities have happened in the past months and we are pleased to present a round-up of developments from SWITCH and our implementation cities. Most cities have launched their local campaigns and have engaged with hundreds of individuals, children, parents, teachers, employees, and seniors, to get them on board and encourage a shift to walking and cycling or use of public transport. A set of fact sheets on the local campaigns (in national languages) are available to download from the website. Our SWITCH experts have worked hard to develop a sound methodology about how to apply the SWITCH approach to travel behaviour change campaigns. The SWITCH toolbox will guide you through all phases of a campaign from scoping to segmentation of the target audience, developing service packages and monitoring change. The SWITCH Toolbox will be unveiled to a wider [...]

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SOLUTIONS e-learning logo

SOLUTIONS e-learning Fall 2015 now launched!

Learn about innovative solutions for fostering sustainable urban mobility in cities and regions around the world from the comfort of your office or home!

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FLOW project website online!

Visit our project website for the most up-to-date information about FLOW:

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First apprentice at Rupprecht Consult

On September 1, Alexandra Kitzing started a 2,5 yearlong apprenticeship

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SmartMove Seminar: Rural Sustainable Mobility and a Proactive Marketing Approach

Thursday, 21st October 2015, 09:00-17:00 EEST – ELECTRA Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, GreecePublic transport services in many rural and peri-urban areas are threatened by increasing private car use, changing demographics and reduced budgets.

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Presentation about TRANSFORuM at SCCER mobility, Zurich

The Swiss high-profile research grouping on mobility invited Ralf Brand for a keynote about the European White Paper on Transport and the TRANSFORuM project.

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Rupprecht Runners finish strong in Cologne Business Run

On 13 August the Rupprecht Runners completed their 2nd HRS Business Run

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ELIPTIC Project opens Call for Twinning Cities!

ELIPTIC is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to develop new use concepts and business cases in order to optimise existing electric infrastructure and rolling stock, saving both money and energy. The project is coordinated by City of Bremen and will run between June 2015 and May 2018.

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2nd European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans took place in Bucharest

Romania hosted the 2nd SUMP conference, an annual event organised by ENDURANCE, the European SUMP network, with the support of Eltis - the European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

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Launch of new EBSF_2 bus systems project as part of Horizon 2020

UITP has launched the EBSF_2 project (European Bus System of the Future 2) during its World Congress & Exhibition in Milan, a project that will continue the drive for bus system innovation that began under the first EBSF project.

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Eurotransport magazine features article about TRANSFORuM

"The Roadmap to achieve EU goals on urban mobility" is the title of an article written by seven TRANSFORuM team members in the latest issue of the Eurotransport magazine.

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3rd DYN@MO Consortium meeting took place in Koprivnica

On 10-11 June about 45 representatives from the DYN@MO partnership met in Koprivnica, Croatia, for the project’s 3rd Consortium meeting to discuss the results of 30 months of DYN@MO cooperation.

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FLOW project has kicked off in Budapest

The project team has started off on the right foot, together refining the project’s activities and conceptual framework in Budapest, Hungary from 10-11 June 2015.

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Displaying results 561 to 580 out of 838