News Item

ELIPTIC Project opens Call for Twinning Cities!


ELIPTIC is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to develop new use concepts and business cases in order to optimise existing electric infrastructure and rolling stock, saving both money and energy. The project is coordinated by City of Bremen and will run between June 2015 and May 2018.

The ELIPTIC twinning fund aims at supporting the take-up of ELIPTIC’s sustainable measures with regard to electrification of public transport in European cities. The twinning fund is a financing mechanism within the ELIPTIC project which aims to support the transfer of measures from ELIPTIC partner cities to ‘twin’ cities. Co-funding of up to 100% is available to successful applicants and a maximum amount of €15,000 per applicant. Applications may be submitted by individual or teams of organisations. 

The ELIPTIC twinning fund offers two different take-up levels and activities, which range from inspirational - such as workshops and study tours - to small-scale study activities. The selected twinning cities will also take part in the bi-annual ELIPTIC User Fora. 

Twin activities are expected to start with the participation in ELIPTIC’s first User Forum on 13 November 2015 (to be confirmed) in Berlin at the latest and shall be finalized within 18 months after their commencement (besides participation in the final ELIPTIC event and last User Forum in May 2018 in Bremen).  If you are interested in becoming an ELIPTIC twin City, make sure to apply before 18 September 2015 (new deadline)! The detailed call text is available at <link http: redir blank> and application form is available at <link http: redir blank>htt:// 

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Further Information

Wolfgang Backhaus

+49 221 6060 55 0