News Item

Rupprecht Consult cycles 4,500km and saves 850 kg CO²


Successful ending of Cycle to Work campaign

   <link https: _blank dem rad zur arbeit>AOK´s and ADFC´s <link https: rheinland index.php>Cycle to Work campaign is Germany’s largest join-in activity. Up to 160,000 people got motivated  to ride their bike to work. The goal was to ride at least 20 days if you ride alone or up to 80 days if signed up as a team every year from 1 June until 31 August.

Rupprecht Consult has successfully taken part in the scheme with three teams. They reached a milage of over 4,500 kilometers which saved almost 850 kg CO²! Rupprecht Consult is now looking ahead to next year and to more colleagues joining in the fun cycling to work.
Cycle to Work campaign