Project Details


SUMPs-Up was the European Programme for accelerating the take up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. An experienced consortium of public and private organisations, including four major city networks and seven front-runner cities reviewed, strengthened and integrated existing resources, designing a support system to assist cities to develop high quality SUMPs.


Project details

Duration 09/2016 - 03/2020


Coordinator ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH

Project goal

The leading objective for SUMPs-Up was to enable mobility planning authorities across Europe to embrace SUMP as the European-wide strategic planning approach, especially in countries where the take-up is low and the negative effects of transport are severe. To meet this goal, SUMPs-Up provided a comprehensive programme for accelerating the take-up of SUMPs that:

  • analysed and verifed specific take-up needs for SUMPs in European local authorities;
  • identifed the most effective tools for SUMP development and actively supported their take-up in several types of cities
  • assisted cities in designing and packaging SUMP policies and measures to achieve their identified goals
  • fostered knowledge-transfer and peer-to-peer exchange on SUMP development and implementation
  • maximised the number of high-quality SUMPs in Europe;
  • supported national governments and multipliers in developing facilitating structures for SUMP
  • highlighted SUMP benefits by evaluating its impacts, and optimised SUMP support activities by assessing the impacts of the project, its tools and guidance;
  • actively publicised the SUMP approach and tools, showcasing the learning experience of SUMPs-Up cities


SUMPs-Up aimed at generating an effective SUMP take-up process tailored to the specific needs of mobility stakeholders across Europe.

The most relevant results were: 

  • An in-depth user needs analysis based on a comprehensive and widely promoted survey that will identify the take-up needs in different cities and countries of Europe.
  • The CIVITAS Urban Mobility Tool Inventory of over 100 tools which have been selected and checked for quality and relevance to planning authorities and mobility practitioners of Europe. This enhanced product has been made available via CIVITAS platform where it will be hosted permanently, while the SUMPs-Up website will mirror this content.
  • A Europe-wide SUMP Learning Programme that will involve ltraining activities for 100 planning authorities from European countries selected through open calls.
  • SUMP measure selection and action-planning guidance. SUMPs-Up will analyse and categorise SUMP implementation measures into strategic packages that match city challenges, and produce guidance on the key challenge of innovative SUMP financing alternatives and procurement.
  • An enhanced SUMP Self-Assessment scheme based on the self-assessment tool developed within CH4LLENGE, allowing planning authorities to assess their compliance with the official EU SUMP Guidelines (for each step and SUMP characteristic). SUMPS-Up will develop comprehensive benchmarking functionality and will work with Member States and EU Institutions to localise and tailor the tool to their specific contexts, including a non-commercial SUMP certification option.
  • SUMP Innovation factsheets: SUMPs-Up city partners will perform real-world implementation and assessment of innovative planning tools and measures. The results - summarised in SUMP Innovation Factsheets - will feed back into the Tool inventory and measure support activities.
  • National SUMP frameworks and an EU-level dialogue on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans between Member States.”

Role of Rupprecht Consult

In SUMPs-Up, we had the following main roles:

  • supporting project coordination (e.g. management, quality control, risk management)
  • leading the work package on identifying and assessing the most effective tools and methods to support and enhance the SUMP planning process, including
    • creating a comprehensive SUMP Tools Inventory
    • authoring guidance for different types of cities on tool options
    • coordinating and advising partner cities in process-related pilot schemes
    • updating the SUMP Guidelines with new content sections and local case examples
    • further developing the SUMP Self-Assessment Tool (developed by Rupprecht Consult in 2015, available on the Mobility Academy)
    • supporting cities in SUMP realisation, e.g. by means of SUMP action plans
    • managing, together with city network Polis, the SUMPs-Up Innovation Pilot Pool to identify and validate the most effective concepts, approaches and methodologies in SUMP practice
    • leading the project’s peer-to-peer exchange activities (Urban Learning Alliances) with interactive online learning & exchange on RC’s Mobility Academy, complemented by face-to-face training events; supporting city network UBC in setting up a capacity development programme for individual mobility practitioners

In addition, we were majorly involved in identifying the needs of take-up cities; supporting cities in SUMP realisation, e.g. by means of SUMP action plans; fostering dialogue on SUMP within and between the EU’s Member States; and supporting city-level SUMP monitoring and impact evaluation.

In the "follower" section, those cities and organisations are listed that enrolled in the SUMP Learning Programme subcontracted by our company.

Project partners


Related resources

SUMP Guidelines 2019 interactive document [PDF]

SUMP Guidelines - Annex - High resolution [PDF]

SUMP Decision Makers Summary for Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan [PDF]

SUMP Guidelines Chinese [PDF]

SUMP Guidelines Croatian [PDF]

SUMP Guidelines Greek [PDF]

SUMP Guidelines Hungarian [PDF]

SUMP Guidelines Romanian [PDF]

SUMP Guidelines Turkish [PDF]

SUMP Guidelines Ukrainian [PDF]

SUMP Self-Assessment Tool [PDF]

SUMP Practitioner Briefings [PDF]

SUMP Practitioner Briefing on Automation [PDF]

SUMP Topic Guides [PDF]

SUMP Topic Guide on Electrification [PDF]

SUMP Glossary [PDF]

SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city ENGLISH [JPG]

SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city CZECH [PDF]

SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city CHINESE [PDF]

SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city FRENCH [PDF]

SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city HUNGARIAN [PDF]

SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city ITALIAN [PDF]

SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city PORTUGUESE [PDF]

SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city ROMANIAN [PDF]

SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city SPANISH [PDF]

SUMP Good Practice Fact Sheets [PDF]

SUMPs-Up - The Status of SUMPs in EU Member States - Summary file [PDF]

SUMPs-Up - The Status of SUMPs in EU Member States - Full Report with Annexes [PDF]

SUMPs-Up - Standards for Developing a SUMP Action Plan [PDF]

SUMPs-Up measure selection manual - beginner cities [PDF]

SUMPs-Up measure selection manual - intermediate cities [PDF]

SUMPs-Up measure selection manual - advanced cities [PDF]

SUMPs-Up Needs Assessment - Full report [PDF]

SUMPs-Up Needs Assessment - Main results report [PDF]