Project Details


Preparation of four Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTPs) in Braila, Evora, Lancaster and Tallinn


Project details

Duration 03/2005 - 09/2007


Coordinator POLIS - European Cities and Regions Networking for New Transport Solutions

Project goal

PILOT was a European project, which demonstrated the preparation of Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP) in four European cities: Braila (RO), Evora (PT), Lancaster (UK) and Tallinn (EE).


In parallel to preparing the SUTPs for the four partner cities, PILOT was building upon the experience of these cities and relying on experts from leading local authorities and organisations in this field, PILOT proposed tools, guidelines and recommendations for the elaboration of sustainable urban transport plans in other European regions and local authorities.

Products of this project were:

  • PILOT leaflet - overview on PILOT & SUTP
  • State of the art document that presents current planning practices in Europe, good practices case studies, overview of research related to the production and roll-out of Sustainable Urban Transport Plans in the EU
  • PILOT cities' SUTPs: roadmaps for PILOT cities, communication plans, process management plans, operational design of SUTPs
  • Practitioner handbook for preparing SUTPs. The document is a reference manual for putting Sustainable Urban Transport Planning (SUTP) into practice. We elaborated the methodology for the SUTP planning process and co-ordinated the work on the document. The manual is intended to give a concise overview on SUTP. In the first place, the manual addresses local authorities: municipalities, cities, urban agglomerations and their respective sectoral administrations. They are the key actors responsible for taking up the issue of SUTP and for driving the entire process. The manual has been tested in the four PILOT cities and is now available in its final version for broad dissemination.
  • The five main chapters of the manual provide a gradual introduction to the complex issue of SUTP. They are divided into two parts:
    • PART I (chapters 2-3) - offers a definition and overview of the subject "SUTP", placing it also in the wider context of European policy developments;
    • PART II (chapters 4-6) - contains a short description and explanation of the wide range of activities required to put a complete SUTP process into practice.
  • Joint policy recommendations of the PILOT and BUSTRIP projects, which are European sister projects, both working on SUTP. The target group of the policy recommendations are the European Union and its Member States.

Further related results: 

  • "Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP) and urban environment: Policies, effects, and simulations. Review of European references regarding noise, air quality and CO2 emissions" (October 2005).
    This study has been carried out by Rupprecht Consult on behalf of the Environment DG to provide an overview of the existing knowledge about the efficiency of specific transport measures regarding air pollution, CO2 emissions and noise. The study has supported the newly adopted Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment and will inform the guidance on Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP), which is announced in this Strategy.
  • "Final Report of the Working Group report on sustainable urban transport plans" (2004)
    The Expert Working Group on Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP), which was moderated by Rupprecht Consult, has been set up in 2004 by the Environment DG in the context of the preparation of the Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment. This group was composed of 20 highly qualified experts to obtain a balanced advice concerning SUTP implementation in all Member States. The Final Report of the group specifies some recommendations to the Commission's services. It aims to reflect and summarise the group's views regarding the specific design of procedures, instruments and measures needed for SUTPs. The results were an important basis for the PILOT project.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

We coordinated the work on developing the SUTP Manual and the Policy recommendations. The methodology for the SUTP planning processes, developed by us, was a crucial basis for the project's activities and the cities' work in getting the SUTP process started.

Contact details

Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0

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