EU-wide establishment of enduring national and European support networks for sustainable urban mobility
Duration 05/2013 - 04/2016
Coordinator EPOMM aisbl
ENDURANCE aimed to motivate and activate 250 cities to participate in the development and implementation of Sustainable Mobility Plans and build 25 national SUMP networks all over Europe. The engagement of cities, their activation status, participation in ENDURANCE activities and SUMP progress was reported, updated and integrated also in the National Roadmaps.
After all ENDURANCE has built up 25 enduring national networks that actively support their members in preparing and implementing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and was able to activate 328 cities, thus exceeding the threshold of 250 cities by 30 %!
Within the ENDURANCE project three European Conferences on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans have been organized: in 2014 in Sopot (Poland), in 2015 in Bucharest (Romania), and in 2016 in Bremen (Germany), and thus the SUMP Conference became the annual marketplace of ideas and knowledge exchange in cooperation with other European projects and initatives working on the topic of SUMP.
Strategic objectives for the long term (2020)
The project built up 25 enduring national networks that actively support its members in preparing and implementing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Six of the 25 countries have built their SUMP network upon already existing national networks and eventually extended the focus of their interest to effectively cover the SUMP theme; 19 of the 25 national networks are new networks.
All ENDURANCE objectives were reached, except for the EPOMM membership. Due to the financial and economic crisis and the political instability this caused in many countries, an EPOMM membership could not yet be achieved. But the EPOMM consortium made a business plan for the continuation of EPOMM in the years beyond 2016 – which included aspects on the continuation of ENDURANCE and membership options for ENDURANCE partners that were not yet EPOMM partners. In an EPOMM Board meeting in June 2016 (at the European Conference on Mobility Management in Athens), the business plan was finally approved and for the transition time in 2016, EPOMM can offer more economical membership options (50% of the membership fee in the first year).
We were the leader of SUMP Training and Individual Networking and the principal organiser of the three European SUMP Conferences.
Susanne Böhler-Baedeker
+49 221 6060 55 14
Ana-Maria Baston
+49 221 6060 55 0