Project Details


The Dissemination and Best Practice Transfer Action of the CIVITAS Initiative


Project details

Duration 08/2007 – 07/2012

Coordinator ISIS - Istituto di Studi per l'Integrazione dei Sistemi, Rome

Project goal

As a CIVITAS project, CATALIST aimed to contribute to the implementation of EU sustainable policies by supporting, facilitating and accelerating radical reforms in the mobility and energy systems of European cities.

The objective of CATALIST was to ensure that the experiences of the CIVITAS Initiative are exploited up to a maximum level. In concrete terms, this meant deploying actions aiming at reaching manifold objectives:

  • Consolidating, validating and deepening the knowledge of the wider impacts of CIVITAS through an integrated assessment of the CIVITAS measures
  • Promoting the results of CIVITAS through a continuing knowledge transfer process
  • Increasing the visibility of the CIVITAS policies to the external world of target groups, primarily citizens, institutions, scientists and industry, using innovative means for dissemination and easy to grasp language
  • Maintaining and expanding networks for information exchange, extensively resorting to the vast net of alliances available to the project, facilitating and building new alliances, with the ambition to extend the possibility of concrete policy uptake


  • Promoting the results of CIVITAS through a continuing knowledge transfer process - ultimately leading to new joint city initiatives
  • Increasing the visibility of the CIVITAS policies by expanding national and international alliances
  • Communicating the CIVITAS message in a custom-tailored manner to the project's target groups
  • Consolidating and validating the long-term impacts of CIVITAS and disseminating best practice solutions
  • Supporting and fostering political championships, assessing expectations and inputs to EU policy

Within CATALIST a "CIVITAS Guide for the Urban Transport Professional: Results and Lessons of the Long-Term Evaluation of the CIVITAS Initiative" was prodcued. This document is also available as an <link http: guide_ebook index.php _blank>Online Guide.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult coordinated the CATALIST workpackage "CIVITAS Impact Assessment". In this role, we were responsible for

  • Validating the results of CIVITAS I (and eventually CIVITAS II) by assessing impacts of comparable measures across cities, measure integration on city level, and contribution to policy themes
  • Assessing the most relevant clean urban transport measures of CIVITAS I and II cities in order to increase the knowledge of their long-term effects
  • Developing a collaborative process of review and assessment by experts and practitioners with the aim to identify the most successful and "stable" best practices (to be effectively exploited in all EU Member States and Accession Countries, but also globally)
  • Strengthening the link with the scientific world by involving scientific experts and members of the academic community

Contact details

Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0

Project partners